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  • When a network client using encrypted S3 connections stops reading responses from the S3 server
    • This will block the migration of any LIF being used by such connections.
    • For example, a LIF migration attempted by ANDU would result in the following error message:

[ANDU paused Error: Failed to migrate data LIFs from node "NODE"]

  • Use the following diagnostic mode command, where <IP> is the IP address of the LIF in question, to determine if there are any stopped S3 connections:

[systemshell * -command "netstat -an | grep <IP>\\.443"] - A stopped connection can be identified as one having a zero value in the final column (TCP send window). - The third column (untransmitted data) of a stopped connection will show a large non-zero value.

  • If there are no such connections, then the LIF migration failure is not due to this issue.

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