CONAP-152352:通过SIS克隆引擎将文件副本卸载到Data ONTAP后、LUN可能会脱机
如果通过ODX将文件副本卸载到Data ONTAP、则在禁用了Snapshot副本功能的空间保证卷上执行覆盖操作期间、预留了空间的LUN可能会脱机。ERROR scsiblade.lun.offline.system: LUN in volume with MSID 2163123007 on Vserver SVM has been brought offline due to lack of space in the volume.
ALERT wafl.vol.full: Insufficient space on volume vol01@vserver to perform operation. 572KB was requested but only 1.00KB was available.::> vol efficiency show
This table is currently empty.
::> df-s
Filesystem used saved %saved Vserver
/vol/vol01/ 26882917812 67257024 0% SVM
::> vol show-volume vol01-fields fractional-reserve,is-sis-volume
vserver volume fractional-reserve is-sis-volume
vs01 vol01 0% true