
vifmgr が複数のインターフェイスで CRC エラーを報告している

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • FAS / AFFシステム
  • 複数のポートで報告されるCRCエラー


  • 複数のインターフェイスがCRCエラーを報告します。

Cluster::> event log show -message-type *crc*
Mon May 25 09:05:14 CEST [node01: vifmgr: vifmgr.cluscheck.crcerrors:alert]: Port e0e on node node01 is reporting a high number of observed hardware errors, possibly CRC errors.
Mon May 25 09:05:14 CEST [node01: vifmgr: vifmgr.cluscheck.crcerrors:alert]: Port e0f on node node01 is reporting a high number of observed hardware errors, possibly CRC errors.
Mon May 25 09:55:14 CEST [node01: vifmgr: vifmgr.cluscheck.crcerrors:alert]: Port e0h on node node01 is reporting a high number of observed hardware errors, possibly CRC errors.

  • ifstatを指定すると、CRCエラーカウンタが増加します。

Cluster::> node run node01 ifstat e0h

-- interface  e0h  (5 days, 12 hours, 52 minutes, 9 seconds) --

Total frames:     1534m | Frames/second:    3208  | Total bytes:      2236g
Bytes/second:     4674k | Total errors:      845  | Errors/minute:       0
Total discards:      0  | Discards/minute:     0  | Multi/broadcast: 31966k
Non-primary u/c:     0  | CRC errors:        843  | Runt frames:         0
Long frames:         2  | Length errors:     101  | Alignment errors:    0
No buffer:           0  | Pause:               0  | Jumbo:             179m
Noproto:             0  | Bus overruns:        0  | LRO segments:    14947m
LRO bytes:        2012g | LRO6 segments:       0  | LRO6 bytes:          0
Bad UDP cksum:       0  | Bad UDP6 cksum:      0  | Bad TCP cksum:       0
Bad TCP6 cksum:      0  | Mcast v6 solicit:    0  | Lagg errors:         0
Lacp errors:         0  | Lacp PDU errors:     0

  • 影響を受けるポートでリンクフラッピングが発生している可能性があります。

Wed Jan 24 12:46:43  0100 [node01: mgmt_port_link_status_poll: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0e: Link down, check cable.
Wed Jan 24 12:46:43  0100 [node01: intr: net.ifgrp.lacp.link.inactive:error]: ifgrp a0a, port e0e has transitioned to an inactive state. The interface group is in a degraded state.
Wed Jan 24 12:46:43  0100 [node01: vifmgr: vifmgr.portdown:notice]: A link down event was received on node node01, port e0e.
Wed Jan 24 12:46:44  0100 [node01: mgmt_port_link_status_poll: netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0e: Link up.
Wed Jan 24 12:46:44  0100 [node01: vifmgr: vifmgr.portup:notice]: A link up event was received on node node01, port e0e.

  • スイッチポートの出力エラー。
# sh int eth 1/45-48
Ethernet1/45 is up
   43630229 unicast packets  14915 multicast packets  14911 broadcast packets
   43660055 input packets  50394120962 bytes
   5329682 jumbo packets  0 storm suppression bytes
   0 runts  0 giants  0 CRC  0 no buffer
   0 input error  0 short frame  0 overrun   0 underrun  0 ignored
   0 watchdog  0 bad etype drop  0 bad proto drop  0 if down drop
   0 input with dribble  0 input discard
   0 Rx pause
   137671374 unicast packets  1379377 multicast packets  238378 broadcast packets
   139289380 output packets  922627383026 bytes
   121726837 jumbo packets
  251 output error 0 collision  0 deferred  0 late collision
   0 lost carrier  0 no carrier  0 babble  0 output discard
   0 Tx pause



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