- 磁盘被标记为故障、因为它没有响应:
Tue Oct 10 05:06:01 +0900 [Node-01: config_thread: raid.config.filesystem.disk.not.responding:debug]: File system Disk /aggr334_01/plex0/rg0/11b.02.16 Shelf 2 Bay 16 [NETAPP X357_S16433T8ATE NA55] S/N [S4Rxxxxxxxxxxx] UID [5002538B:09C1F1B0:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000] is not responding.
Tue Oct 10 05:10:31 +0900 [Node-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: shm.fab.writeSenseError:debug]: shm: Unable to write failure bytes to disk 3a.02.16 due to error 2/4/1/0.
Tue Oct 10 05:12:07 +0900 [Node-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.pastTimeToLive:debug]: Disk device 3a.02.16: request failed after try #1: cdb 0x5e:01.
Tue Oct 10 05:12:07 +0900 [Node-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: disk.reserveFailed:debug]: Disk reservation failed on 3a.02.16 CDB 0x5e:01 - SCSI:not ready (2 4 1)
Tue Oct 10 05:12:07 +0900 [Node-01: sanown_io: diskown.errorDuringIO:debug]: error 20 (disk operation timed out) on disk 9b.02.16 (S/N S4Rxxxxxxxxxxx) while setting disk reservation
- EMS中出现以下事件:
Tue Oct 10 05:13:46 +0900 [Node-01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.excessiveVictim:debug]: device 3a.02.16: excessive victim abort: delta time 99000: retry CDB 0x5f:0601: victim retry count 100: retry count 0: timeout retry count 0: path retry count 0: adapter status 0x0: target status 0x2: sense data SCSI:not ready - Drive spinning up (0x2 - 0x4 0x1 ).