
netif.linkErrors :网络接口上的链路错误过多

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  • AFF 系统
  • FAS 系统
  •  CNNA以太网端口或其他 以太网端口中的SFP 


  • EMS.log 错误: 

Node-02: intr: netif.linkErrors:error]: Excessive link errors on network interface e0a. Might indicate a bad cable, switch port, or NIC, or that a cable connector is not fully inserted in a socket. On a 10/100 port, might indicate a duplex mismatch.

  • 运行状况警报:
         Node: node_name
      Resource: Ethernet1/29/1
      Severity: Major
  Indication Time: Mon Jan 04 16:15:33 2021
      Suppress: false
     Acknowledge: false
   Probable Cause: The percentage of inbound packet errors of switch interface
          "switch_name(XXXXXXXXXXX)/Ethernet1/29/1" is above the warning threshold.
  Possible Effect: Communication between nodes in the cluster might be degraded.
Corrective Actions: 1) Migrate any cluster LIF that uses this connection to another port connected to a cluster switch.            For example, if cluster LIF "clus1" is on port e0a and the other LIF is on e0b, run the following             command to move "clus1" to e0b: "network interface migrate -vserver vs1 -lif clus1 -sourcenode node1           -destnode node1 -dest-port e0b"
           2) Replace the network cable with a known-good cable.
           If errors are corrected, stop. No further action is required. Otherwise, continue to Step 3.
           3) Move the network cable to another port on the node (if available). Migrate the cluster LIF to             the new port.
           If errors are corrected, contact technical support to troubleshoot the original node port.
           Otherwise, continue to Step 4.
           4) Move the network cable to another available cluster switch port.
           Migrate the cluster LIF back to the original port.
           If errors are corrected, contact technical support to troubleshoot the original switch port.
           If errors persist, contact technical support for further assistance.
  • 受影响端口的交换机输出:
switch# show interface ethernet1/30/1
Ethernet1/30/1 is up
admin state is up, Dedicated Interface
Hardware: 1000/10000 Ethernet, address: c4b2.3923.44be (bia c4b2.3923.44be)
MTU 9216 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec
8411106309 unicast packets 967656 multicast packets 13768 broadcast packets
8412087733 input packets 43163351724834 bytes
5217690361 jumbo packets 0 storm suppression packets
0 runts 0 giants 0 CRC 0 no buffer
0 input error 0 short frame 0 overrun 0 underrun 0 ignored
0 watchdog 0 bad etype drop 0 bad proto drop 0 if down drop
0 input with dribble 0 input discard
0 Rx pause
7770700631 unicast packets 13544676 multicast packets 49080 broadcast packets
7784294387 output packets 38422960748860 bytes
4654752709 jumbo packets
3026723 output error 0 collision 0 deferred 0 late collision
0 lost carrier 0 no carrier 0 babble 0 output discard
0 Tx pause
switch# show interface ethernet1/29/1
Ethernet1/29/1 is up
admin state is up, Dedicated Interface
Hardware: 1000/10000 Ethernet, address: c4b2.3923.44ba (bia c4b2.3923.44ba)
MTU 9216 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec
7713969836 unicast packets 967594 multicast packets 17685 broadcast packets
7714955115 input packets 38161937396451 bytes
4627068033 jumbo packets 0 storm suppression packets
699 runts 0 giants 3070040 CRC 0 no buffer
3312963 input error 0 short frame 0 overrun 0 underrun 0 ignored
0 watchdog 0 bad etype drop 0 bad proto drop 0 if down drop
0 input with dribble 0 input discard
0 Rx pause
8387321873 unicast packets 13544593 multicast packets 45130 broadcast packets
8400911596 output packets 43070148619178 bytes
5206464024 jumbo packets
0 output error 0 collision 0 deferred 0 late collision
0 lost carrier 0 no carrier 0 babble 0 output discard
0 Tx pause


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