- 平台子系统数据的AutoSupport收集在120秒后超时
cluster::*> system node autosupport manifest show -status *-limit -fields subsys,status,error,time-collected -subsys !log_files -time-collected >120000
node seq-num prio-num subsys time-collected status error
-------------- ------- -------- -------- -------------- ------------------------------- -----
node-01 812 49 platform 125315 collection-truncated-time-limit
node-01 804 133 platform 125300 collection-truncated-time-limit
node-01 797 49 platform 125197 collection-truncated-time-limit
- 命令(如
system node power show
和)system node environment sensors show
::> system node environment sensors show -node node-01
Warning: Unable to list entries on node node-01. The Service Processor on node "node-01" is not reachable. Verify that the SP or BMC is online, verify that api-service is enabled on the SP or BMC, verify that the partner node is running, check if pings from SP or BMC to partner node work, check if hw-assist keep-alives are normal, check that network ports are configured correctly and are functional (up). Then, try the command again.
Warning: Unable to list entries on node node-01. Timeout: Operation "environment_sensors_iterator::next_imp()" took longer than 50 seconds to complete [from mgwd on node "node-01" (VSID: -1) to mgwd at 169.XXX.XX.XXX]
Error: show failed: Timeout: Operation "environment_sensors_iterator::next()" took longer than 50 seconds to complete [from mgwd on node "node-01" (VSID: -1) to mgwd at 169.XXX.XX.XXX]
::> system node power show -node node-01
Error: The Service Processor on node "node-01" is not reachable. Verify
that the SP or BMC is online, verify that api-service is enabled on the
SP or BMC, verify that the partner node is running, check if pings from
SP or BMC to partner node work, check if hw-assist keep-alives are
normal, check that network ports are configured correctly and are
functional (up). Then, try the command again.
Warning: Unable to list entries on node node-01. SP API service is not available on node "node-01".
Check SP firmware version and Data Ontap(R) version.
Error: show failed: SP API service is not available on node
"node-01". Check SP firmware version and Data Ontap(R) version.
3. SP API服务证书已排除 为问题描述、请参阅 Active IQ健康风险:ONTAP在与SP/BMC通信时报告错误