- AFF A400
- X1147A万兆以太网控制器X710 SFP+
- 插槽5中的端口未显示在中
ifgrp show
- EMS日志中报告以下错误
[?] Tue Apr 25 14:52:31 +0900 [xnas02-fin: intr: net.ifgrp.lacp.link.inactive:error]: ifgrp a2b, port e5b has transitioned to an inactive state. The interface group is in a degraded state.
[?] Tue Apr 25 14:52:33 +0900 [xnas02-fin: intr: net.ifgrp.lacp.link.inactive:error]: ifgrp a2c, port e5c has transitioned to an inactive state. The interface group is in a degraded state.
[?] Tue Apr 25 14:52:33 +0900 [xnas02-fin: intr: net.ifgrp.lacp.link.inactive:error]: ifgrp a2a, port e5a has transitioned to an inactive state. The interface group is in a degraded state.
sysconfig -a
和的状态network port show