
由于正在对关系执行另一个 SnapMirror 操作,计划的更新已延迟

snapmirror<a>2009 年 144669</a>
Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • SnapMirror
  • Commvault


  • snapmirror show -instance 命令会 Relationship StatusTransferring 长时间显示为。
  • 关系报告:
Healthy: false
Unhealthy Reason: Scheduled update failed to start. (Scheduled update was delayed because another SnapMirror operation for the relationship is in progress.)
  • 也可能会报告此消息:
Alert on mirror copies - smc.snapmir.schd.trans.overrun: Scheduled transfer from source volume 'volume_name' to destination volume 'volume_name' is taking longer than the schedule window.
cluster::> snapmirror show -instance
               Source Path: S_SVM:vol1
            Destination Path: D_SVM:vol_dr
            Relationship Type: XDP
         Relationship Group Type: none
           SnapMirror Schedule: 8hour
         SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
            SnapMirror Policy: MirrorAllSnapshots
               Tries Limit: -
            Throttle (KB/sec): 18432
              Mirror State: Snapmirrored
           Relationship Status: Transferring
         File Restore File Count: -
         File Restore File List: -
            Transfer Snapshot: snapshot_for_backup.332
            Snapshot Progress: 2.77TB
             Total Progress: 2.77TB
        Network Compression Ratio: 1:1
           Snapshot Checkpoint: 2.77TB
             Newest Snapshot: snapmirror.b11611fc-3243-11ec-9316-a039ea34eb5f_2147597238.2022-04-20_180110
        Newest Snapshot Timestamp: 02/25 18:01:01
            Exported Snapshot: snapmirror.b11611fc-3243-11ec-9316-a039ea34eb5f_2147597238.2022-04-20_180110
       Exported Snapshot Timestamp: 02/25 18:01:01
                 Healthy: false
            Unhealthy Reason: Scheduled update failed to start. (Scheduled update was delayed because another SnapMirror operation for the relationship is in progress.)
         Destination Volume Node: FAS8300_B             
             Relationship ID: 712de9bc-961c-10ec-b7b6-d039ea34eb5f
          Current Operation ID: 72ffe34a-143f-4080-9e24-ac0a27738877
              Transfer Type: update
             Transfer Error: -
            Current Throttle: 18432
        Current Transfer Priority: normal
           Last Transfer Type: update
           Last Transfer Error: -
           Last Transfer Size: 0B
Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: 1:1
         Last Transfer Duration: 0:0:0
           Last Transfer From: S_SVM:vol1
       Last Transfer End Timestamp: 04/18 12:57:30
          Progress Last Updated: 04/20 15:11:03
         Relationship Capability: 8.2 and above
                Lag Time: 137:10:10
      Identity Preserve Vserver DR: -
         Volume MSIDs Preserved: -
         Is Auto Expand Enabled: -
      Number of Successful Updates: 1
        Number of Failed Updates: 0
      Number of Successful Resyncs: 0
        Number of Failed Resyncs: 0
       Number of Successful Breaks: 0
         Number of Failed Breaks: 0
          Total Transfer Bytes: 47809824496619
     Total Transfer Time in Seconds: 4560980

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