系统运行状况警报报告 AllPathToOneEndOfStack_Alert
- FAS8300
system health alert show
报告 AllPathToOneEndOfStack_Alert
Monitor node-connect
Alert ID AllPathToOneEndOfStack_Alert
Alerting Resource 1
Subsystem SAS-connect
Indication Time Wed Nov 17 13:29:18 2021
Perceived Severity Major
AutoSupport Triggered true
Probable Cause Cable_tamper
Corrective Actions 1. Consult the guide applicable to your IOM12 disk shelf to review cabling rules and complete the SAS cabling worksheet for your system.
2. Connect controller CNSENAS07-01 to the first and last disk shelves of stack 1.
3. Verify that controller CNSENAS07-01 is cabled to IOM A and IOM B of stack 1.
4. Contact technical support if the alert persists.
Node ID Node1
Enable Asup for This Alert true
Alert Clear Time