SP HBT已停止A900无响应节点
- A900
- FAS9500
- BMC 16.1、16.5和16.5
- 由于SP检测信号丢失/停止、节点关闭:
Sat Jan 27 07:42:58 -0800 [netapp-n01: spmgrd: sp.heartbeat.stopped:error]: Have not received a IPMI heartbeat from the Service Processor (SP) in last 600 seconds.
Sat Jan 27 07:55:13 -0800 [netapp-n01: spmgrd: callhome.sp.hbt.missed:notice]: Call home for SP HBT MISSED
Sat Jan 27 08:05:27 -0800 [netapp-n01: spmgrd: callhome.sp.hbt.stopped:alert]: Call home for SP HBT STOPPED
Sat Jan 27 08:08:32 -0800 [netapp-n01: env_mgr: sp.ipmi.lost.shutdown:EMERGENCY]: SP heartbeat stopped and cannot be recovered. To prevent hardware damage and data loss, the system will shut down in 10 minutes.
Sat Jan 27 08:18:32 -0800 [netapp-n01: env_mgr: monitor.shutdown.emergency:EMERGENCY]: Emergency shutdown: Environmental Reason Shutdown (System reboot to recover the SP)
- 节点不会自动恢复、并且无法访问BMC