
RPANIC:设备中的PCI错误NMI:RPT (0、3、0):控制器上的QLogic FC/10GbE CNA

Last Updated:


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系统崩溃并出现崩溃字符串PCI Error NMI from device(s):RPT(0,3,0):QLogic FC/10GbE CNA on Controller
[[?]Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.string:notice]: Panic string: PCI Error NMI from device(s):RPT(0,3,0):QLogic FC/10GbE CNA on Controller.  in process idle: cpu12 on release 9.9.1P11 (C)
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.at:notice]: Panic occurred at: Thu Dec 29 23:27:31  2022
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.proc:notice]: Panic in process: idle: cpu12
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 0: maytag.ko::sk_save_stackframes(0xffffffff8917fb20) + 0x30
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 1: maytag.ko::kmod_dumper(0xffffffff8a47d630) + 0x6ab
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 2: kernel::dumpcore_on_dumpstack(0xffffffff80c17530) + 0x5c
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 3: kernel::doadump(0xffffffff80645f60) + 0x50
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 4: kernel::kern_reboot(0xffffffff80645730) + 0x406
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 5: kernel::vpanic(0xffffffff806462a0) + 0x44f
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 6: kernel::panic(0xffffffff80646030) + 0x42
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 7: platform.ko::platform_os2sp_port_present(0xffffffff81a634f0) + 0x22a
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 8: platform.ko::katana_handle_hsam_event(0xffffffff81a9e110) + 0xbaca
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 9: kernel::generic_nmi_handler(0xffffffff80bf2cd0) + 0x130
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 10: kernel::generic_nmi_handler(0xffffffff80bf2cd0) + 0x5b
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 11: kernel::amd64_syscall(0xffffffff80a0c670) + 0x126d
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 12: kernel::trap(0xffffffff80a0bb50) + 0x86f
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 13: kernel::Xnmi(0xffffffff809e5a00) + 0x164
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 14: kernel::cpu_idle(0xffffffff80a61f50) + 0x5f
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 15: kernel::ule_sched_idletd(0xffffffff80685ae0) + 0x530
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 16: kernel::ule_sched_idletd(0xffffffff80685ae0) + 0x226
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 17: kernel::sched_idletd(0xffffffff8067fc90) + 0x793
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 18: kernel::fork_exit(0xffffffff806066d0) + 0xbb
[?] Thu Dec 29 23:45:48 +0800 [node A: splog_main: mgr.stack.frame:notice]: Stack frame 19: kernel::fork_trampoline(0xffffffff809e5e30) + 0xe


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