
电源故障警报—AutoSupport 消息

Last Updated:


  • Data ONTAP 7及更早版本
  • ONTAP 8.
  • ONTAP 9



  • 电源已关闭或拔下。
  • 向数据中心供电或向配电单元(PDU)供电或与配电单元(PDU)供电时出现故障或波动。
  • 磁盘架电源出现故障。
  • 电源线有故障
  • 断路器已跳闸、稍后电源已恢复。


Shelf fault SHLFLT: System Notification from Filer1 (SHELF POWER INTERRUPTED) WARNING
AutoSupport PWRFLT:System Notification from Filer1 (SHELF POWER INTERRUPTED) WARNING

[ses.status.psWarning:warning]: DS14-Mk2-AT shelf 1 on channel 2a power warning for Power supply 2: non-critical status; DC undervoltage fault. This module is on the rear side of the shelf, at the right.       
[ses.status.psError:CRITICAL]: DS14-Mk2-AT shelf 1 on channel 2a power error for Power supply 2: critical status; power supply failed. This module is on the rear side of the shelf, at the right.

AutoSupport message: Shelf Power Interrupted




验证哪个磁盘架报告错误。此错误消息指示磁盘架ID和通道、但在查找出现错误的组件时、此信息可能不有用。要使用问题描述检查组件、请运行  environment status 命令、此命令将显示每个磁盘架的完整状态。

NetApp-01::> system node run -node Netapp-01A -command environment status 
Channel: 2a
        Shelf: 1
        SES device path: local access: 2a.18
        Module type: AT-FCX; monitoring is active
        Shelf status: critical condition
        SES Configuration, via loop id 79 in shelf 5:
        logical identifier=0x50050cc00219fae3
        vendor identification=XYRATEX 
        product identification=DS14-Mk2-AT
        product revision level=3737
        Vendor-specific information:
        Product Serial Number: OPSxxxxxxxxxxxx
        Optional Settings: 0x00
        Status reads attempted: 1336282; failed: 0
        Control writes attempted: 9756; failed: 0
        Shelf bays with disk devices installed:
        13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
        with error: none
        Power Supply installed element list: 1, 2; with error: 2
        Power Supply information by element:
        [1] Serial number: PMCxxxxxxxxxxxx
        Type: 5c
        Firmware version: <N/A>
        [2] Serial number: PMCxxxxxxxxxxxx
        Type: 5c
        Firmware version: <N/A>
        Cooling Unit installed element list: 1, 2; with error: none
        Temperature Sensor installed element list: 1, 2, 3; with error: none
        Shelf temperatures by element:
        [1] 22 C (71 F) (ambient) Normal temperature range
        [2] 42 C (107 F) Normal temperature range
        [3] 38 C (100 F) Normal temperature range
        Temperature thresholds by element:
        [1] High critical: 50 C (122 F); high warning 40 C (104 F)
        Low critical: 0C (32 F); low warning 10 C (50 F)
        [2] High critical: 63 C (145 F); high warning 53 C (127 F)
        Low critical: 0C (32 F); low warning 10 C (50 F)
        [3] High critical: 63 C (145 F); high warning 53 C (127 F)
        Low critical: 0C (32 F); low warning 10 C (50 F)
        ES Electronics installed element list: 1, 2; with error: none
        ES Electronics reporting element: 1
        ES Electronics information by element:
        [1] Serial number: IMSxxxxxxxxxxxx
        CPLD version: 24
        [2] Serial number: IMSxxxxxxxxxxxx
        CPLD version: 24



  • 验证哪个磁盘架报告错误。此错误消息指示磁盘架ID和通道、但在查找出现错误的组件时、此信息可能不有用。要使用问题描述检查组件、请运行  environment status 命令、此命令将显示每个磁盘架的完整状态。
  • 检查站点是否存在电源问题。
  • 使用已知正常工作的电缆检查电源线。
  • 检查两个风扇是否都在转动。如果一个风扇转速较慢、则会发出电源故障信号。
  • 检查电源是否正常工作;红色指示灯应亮起。如果磁盘架电源发生故障、可能需要更换。如果您需要更换磁盘架电源、请联系 NetApp技术支持 或使用NetApp 支持站点 申请更换 [1]


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