ONTAP 升级后的集群将节点标识为交换机
- 无交换机集群
- AFF 和 FAS 系统
- 在将ONTAP 升级到9.11.1P3后、交换机缺失警报不断填充、CSHM正在交还之前确认节点IP为交换机。
- SwitchCommunityString_Alert
Cluster::> system health alert show
Node: node_name
Alert ID: SwitchCommunityString_Alert
Severity: Major
Probable Cause: Ethernet switch "node-01" with IP address
"X.X.X.X" is not reachable via SNMP. Incorrect
SNMP community string might be configured on the
Ethernet switch.
Possible Effect: Ethernet switch communication problems and
accessibility issues.
Corrective Actions: Check the SNMP community string on the Ethernet switch
to verify that the expected community string is
configured. Use the "system switch ethernet show
-snmp-config" command to view the expected community
Cluster1::> system health subsystem show
Subsystem Health
SAS-connect ok
Environment ok
Memory ok
Service-Processor ok
Switch-Health degraded
- 然后、通过CDP/ISDP将此交换机发现为管理网络交换机
Cluster1::>system switch ethernet show
Switch Type Address Model
ontap.netapp.com management-network 10.x.x.1 OTHER
Serial Number: Unknown
Is Monitored: false
Reason: MonitoringDisabled by Default
Software Version: Cisco Nexus OperatingSystem (NX-OS) Software, Version 14.2
Version Source: CDP/ISDP