

Last Updated:


  • FAS2650
  • FAS2750
  • FAS2720
  • ONTAP 9
  • 服务处理器 (SP)
  • 基板管理控制器(BMC)


  • HA对中的一个节点在事件日志中报告多个风扇故障:

[Node-02: dsa_worker2: ses.status.temperatureWarning:alert]: DS224-12 (S/N SHFGDXXXX000045) shelf 0 on channel 0b temperature warning for Temperature sensor 12: not installed or failed. Current temperature: 22 C (71 F). This module is on the rear of the shelf at the top left, on shelf module A.
[Node-02: env_mgr: monitor.fan.ok:notice]: All fans are OK.
[Node-02: dsa_worker1: ses.status.temperatureInfo:info]: DS224-12 (S/N SHFGDXXXX000045) shelf 0 on channel 0b temperature information for Temperature sensor 12: normal status.
[Node-02: env_mgr: monitor.fan.ok:notice]: All fans are OK.

[Node-02: monitor: monitor.globalStatus.critical:EMERGENCY]: Chassis temperature is too high.. 
[Node-02: env_mgr: monitor.fan.warning:notice]: multiple fans have failed. Replace it to avoid overheating
[Node-02: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Module B Expander Temp) is not readable.
[Node-02: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Module A Expander Temp) is not readable.
[Node-02: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Midplane 4 Temp) is not readable.
[Node-02: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Midplane 3 Temp) is not readable.
[Node-02: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Midplane 2 Temp) is not readable.
[Node-02: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Midplane 1 Temp) is not readable.
[Node-02: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Ambient Temp) is not readable.
[Node-02: monitor: monitor.globalStatus.critical:EMERGENCY]: Multiple fans has failed. Chassis temperature is too high.. 
[Node-02: env_mgr: callhome.c.fan.fru.fault:error]: Call home for CHASSIS FAN FRU FAILED: Multiple fans have failed

  • 配对节点不会触发任何此类警报。
  • 所有电源 均呈绿色闪烁、并且节点正面的琥珀色LED指示灯亮起。
  • 在报告错误的节点中、PSU和风扇传感器如下所示:

Sensor Name        State      Current   Critical    Warning    Warning   Critical
                     Reading     Low      Low      High     High
SNMP Bad Fan Count            MULTI_FAILED
Chassis is Under Temp   invalid       --
Chassis is Over Temp            YES
PSU1 INFO                 FAILED
PSU1 INFO                 FRU_AVAIL
PSU1 FRU                 MULTIFAULT
PSU2 FRU                 MULTIFAULT
Module B Expander Temp   failed       -- C      0 C      5 C     80 C     90 C    
Module A Expander Temp   failed       -- C      0 C      5 C     80 C     90 C    
Midplane 4 Temp      failed       -- C      0 C      5 C     47 C     52 C    
Midplane 3 Temp      failed       -- C      0 C      5 C     47 C     52 C    
Midplane 2 Temp      failed       -- C      0 C      5 C     47 C     52 C    
Midplane 1 Temp      failed       -- C      0 C      5 C     47 C     52 C    
Ambient Temp        failed       -- C      0 C      5 C     47 C     52 C    
Internal Shelf       not_available    --
CPU0 Temp Margin      init_failed     -- C     --      --       0 C     -1 C   

PSU1 Present                            PRESENT
PSU1 5V                  not_available     -- mV       --          --          --          --
PSU1 12V                 not_available     -- mV       --          --          --          --
PSU1 5V Curr             not_available     -- mA       --          --          --          --
PSU1 12V Curr            not_available     -- mA       --          --          --          --
PSU1 Fan 1               not_available     -- RPM      --          --          --          --
PSU1 Fan 2               not_available     -- RPM      --          --          --          --
PSU1 Inlet Temp          not_available     -- C         0 C         5 C        57 C        62 C
PSU1 Hotspot Temp        not_available     -- C         0 C         5 C        90 C       100 C
PSU2 Present                            PRESENT
PSU2 5V                  not_available     -- mV       --          --          --          --
PSU2 12V                 not_available     -- mV       --          --          --          --
PSU2 5V Curr             not_available     -- mA       --          --          --          --
PSU2 12V Curr            not_available     -- mA       --          --          --          --
PSU2 Fan 1               not_available     -- RPM      --          --          --          --
PSU2 Fan 2               not_available     -- RPM      --          --          --          --
PSU2 Inlet Temp          not_available     -- C         0 C         5 C        57 C        62 C
PSU2 Hotspot Temp        not_available     -- C         0 C         5 C        90 C       100 C
PSU_FAN                  not_available      --
Module B Expander Temp   failed            -- C         0 C         5 C        80 C        90 C
Module A Expander Temp   failed            -- C         0 C         5 C        80 C        90 C
Midplane 4 Temp          failed            -- C         0 C         5 C        47 C        52 C
Midplane 3 Temp          failed            -- C         0 C         5 C        47 C        52 C
Midplane 2 Temp          failed            -- C         0 C         5 C        47 C        52 C
Midplane 1 Temp          failed            -- C         0 C         5 C        47 C        52 C
Ambient Temp             failed            -- C         0 C         5 C        47 C        50 C
Internal Shelf           not_available

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