
重新就位的节点将保持关闭状态,并且没有 LED 或 SP 控制台输出,并且 PSU 出现故障

Last Updated:


  • FAS8200
  • 服务处理器( SP )固件版本 5.7


  • 节点无响应。
  • 无链路活动。
  • 无服务处理器控制台输出。
  • 平台传感器电源故障。示例: 

Sensor Name          Sensor Type   Sensor State    ...
PSU2               fru       fault       normal   MULTIFAULT            
PSU1               fru       fault       normal   MULTIFAULT            
PSU2 Bad            discrete    fault       normal   TRUE            
PSU1 Bad            discrete    fault       normal   TRUE            
PSU2 need replacement   discrete    normal        normal   NO            
PSU1 need replacement   discrete    normal       normal   NO            
PSU2               discrete    fault       normal   BAD            
PSU1               discrete    fault         normal   BAD            
PSU2 FRU Fan         discrete    fault       normal   BAD            
PSU2 FRU Power        discrete    normal      normal   ON            
PSU1 FRU Fan         discrete    fault         normal   BAD            
PSU1 FRU Power        discrete    normal         normal   ON            
PSU1   fru          fault      normal         MULTIFAULT            
PSU2   fru          fault      normal         MULTIFAULT            
PSU1 Present         discrete    normal         normal   PRESENT            
PSU1 Temp            thermal      not-available   C       0   5   50   60
PSU1 Curr            current      not-available   mA                  
PSU1 Fan1 Speed       fan         not-available   RPM      4500   4600      
PSU1 Fan1 Fault       discrete    not-available   not-available               
PSU1 Fan2 Speed       fan         not-available   RPM      4500   4600      
PSU1 Fan2 Fault       discrete    not-available   not-available               
PSU1 Pwr In OK      discrete    normal      normal   OK            
PSU1 Pwr Out OK       discrete    normal         normal   OK            
PSU1 FAULT           discrete    normal      normal   OK            
PSU1 Input Type       discrete    not-available   not-available               
PSU1 Over Temp        discrete    not-available   not-available               
PSU1 Over Volt        discrete    not-available   not-available               
PSU1 Over Curr        discrete    not-available   not-available               
PSU1 Crest Factor      current      not-available   1000     1728   2000
PSU1 InPwr Monitor     unknown      not-available   mW                  
PSU2 Present       discrete     normal         normal   PRESENT            
PSU2 Temp            thermal      not-available   C       0   5   50   60
PSU2 Curr            current      not-available   mA                  
PSU2 Fan1 Speed       fan         not-available   RPM      4500   4600      
PSU2 Fan1 Fault       discrete    not-available   not-available               
PSU2 Fan2 Speed       fan         not-available   RPM      4500   4600      
PSU2 Fan2 Fault       discrete    not-available   not-available               
PSU2 Pwr In OK        discrete    normal         normal   OK            
PSU2 Pwr Out OK       discrete    normal         normal   OK            
PSU2 FAULT           discrete    normal         normal   OK            
PSU2 Input Type       discrete    not-available   not-available               
PSU2 Over Temp        discrete    not-available   not-available               
PSU2 Over Volt        discrete    not-available   not-available               
PSU2 Over Curr        discrete    not-available   not-available               
PSU2 Crest Factor      current      not-available   1000     1728   2000
PSU2 InPwr Monitor     unknown      not-available   mW 

  • 事件通知:  

7/30/2021 10:35:27  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 InPower Monitor is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:35:26  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Crest Factor is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:35:08  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 InPower Monitor is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:35:08  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Crest Factor is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:35:08  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Over Curr is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:35:08  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Over Volt is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:35:08  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Over Temp is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:35:08  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Fan2 Fault is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:35:07  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Fan2 Speed is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:35:07  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Fan1 Fault is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:35:07  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Fan1 Speed is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:35:07  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Current is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:35:07  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Temperature is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:35:07  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Over Curr is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:34:20  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Over Volt is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:34:20  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Over Temp is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:34:20  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Fan2 Fault is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:34:20  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Fan2 Speed is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:34:19  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Fan1 Fault is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:34:19  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Fan1 Speed is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:34:19  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Current is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:34:19  node_name   NOTICE   monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Temperature is Unreadable
7/30/2021 10:33:52  node_name   INFORMATIONAL sas.adapter.debug: adapterName="0a", debug_string="Adapter debug dump is being collected"
7/30/2021 10:33:50  node_name   NOTICE     callhome.chassis.ps.ok: Call home for CHASSIS POWER SUPPLY OK: PS 1
7/30/2021 10:33:39  node_name   NOTICE     callhome.chassis.ps.ok: Call home for CHASSIS POWER SUPPLY OK: PS 2
7/30/2021 10:32:57  node_name   INFORMATIONAL monitor.chassisPowerSupplies.ok: Chassis power supplies OK.
7/30/2021 10:32:49  node_name   INFORMATIONAL monitor.chassisPowerSupply.ok: Chassis power supply 1 is OK.
7/30/2021 10:32:39  node_name   INFORMATIONAL monitor.chassisPowerSupply.ok: Chassis power supply 2 is OK.

  • 节点重新就位后,问题描述仍会保持不变

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