出现电池充电错误 AutoSupport 警报后节点关闭
- 什么是 EMS ? /etc/messages 和 /etc/log/ems 文件中的消息有何区别?集群中一个节点的 EMS 消息:
Sat Dec 19 16:22:32 +0100 [CLUSTERBA-CTRLA: env_mgr: nvmem.battery.wrongCharge:alert]: The NVMEM battery charger is charging the battery even though the battery is not requesting to be charged. To prevent data loss, the system will shut down in 24 hours.
Sat Dec 19 16:23:27 +0100 [CLUSTERBA-CTRLA: env_mgr: callhome.battery.warning:alert]: Call home for BATTERY (wrong charge) WARNING.
... (repeated hourly)
Sun Dec 20 15:23:38 +0100 [CLUSTERBA-CTRLA: env_mgr: nvmem.battery.wrongCharge:alert]: The NVMEM battery charger is charging the battery even though the battery is not requesting to be charged. To prevent data loss, the system will shut down in 60 minutes.
Sun Dec 20 15:24:18 +0100 [CLUSTERBA-CTRLA: env_mgr: callhome.battery.warning:alert]: Call home for BATTERY (wrong charge) WARNING.
Sun Dec 20 16:22:30 +0100 [CLUSTERBA-CTRLA: env_mgr: monitor.shutdown.emergency:EMERGENCY]: Emergency shutdown: Environmental Reason Shutdown (Battery charging current failed)
- [1] NVRAM 电池的平台传感器输出:
Battery Charge Failed? discrete fault normal TRUE
Battery Capacity Message discrete failed failed
Bat Curr current normal -40 mA
Bat Charging State discrete fault normal WRONG_CHARGE
- 服务处理器固件和内部交换机固件将更新为最新可用版本。
- 服务处理器系统日志输出:
Jan 7 14:17:14 (none) env_mgr[1035]: Payload EMS: EMS_nvmem_battery_wrongCharge(in 24 hours)
Jan 7 14:17:46 (none) env_mgr[1035]: Payload EMS: EMS_callhome_battery_warning(BATTERY (wrong charge))
Jan 7 15:17:20 (none) env_mgr[1035]: Payload EMS: EMS_nvmem_battery_wrongCharge(in 23 hours)
Jan 7 15:17:47 (none) env_mgr[1035]: Payload EMS: EMS_callhome_battery_warning(BATTERY (wrong charge))
- 服务处理器事件输出:
Record 992: Thu Jan 7 15:17:20 2021 [IPMI.notice]: b502 | 02 | EVT: 0301ffff | Attn_Sensor1 | Assertion Event, "State Asserted"
Record 993: Thu Jan 7 15:17:27 2021 [IPMI.notice]: b602 | 02 | EVT: 0300ffff | Attn_Sensor1 | Assertion Event, "State Deasserted"
- 当计数器在 24 之后结束时,节点将关闭 小时