
新 LUN 在主机上显示 0 字节大小

Last Updated:


  • AFF-A700
  • ONTAP 9.5P1
  • SAN


在将 AFF-A300 升级到 AFF-A700 之后、新 LUN 在主机上显示 0 字节大小

  • Windows

Number     : 4
Manufacturer  : NETAPP  
Model      : LUN C-Mode    
SerialNumber  : 80BWe???xxXX
AllocatedSize : 0
Size      : 0 <----

  • ESXi

LUN_0_Bytes_Issue .png


  • EMS

05/14 080748 (CsmActiveOpenUser::activeOpenRsp): Connection 0, priority 1, Session (req=AFF-A300-01:spinvfs, rsp=AFF-A300-02:dblade, uniquifier=0005a59731223009) - rcvd error code 69 CtLoError CTLOPCP_ERR_CONNREFUSED rxSockError 61 TLSerror 0 (will attempt to restart)
05/14 080748 (CsmActiveOpenUser::activeOpenRsp): Connection 0, priority 1 - scheduled delayed connection restart for Session (req=AFF-A300-01:spinvfs, rsp=AFF-A300-02:dblade, uniquifier=0005a59731223009)

05/13 210231 (CSMImpl::registerLocalAddress - CSM_EXISTS): vifId 1024, vif role 1, vserverId -3, already exists.
05/13 210231 (CSMImpl::registerListenAddress - CSM_EXISTS: ): listener for vifId 1024, port = 7700, vif role 1 already exists.


  • 确认其中一个节点未侦听端口 7700 :

::> network connections listening show -vserver Cluster
  (network connections listening show)
Vserver Name    Interface Name:Local Port        Protocol/Service
---------------- -------------------------------------  -----------------------
Node: AFF-A300-02
Cluster      AFF-A300-02_clus1:7700          TCP/ctlopcp
Cluster      AFF-A300-02_clus2:7700          TCP/ctlopcp
2 entries were displayed.


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