

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • 交换机连接存储
  • NS224磁盘架


  • 节点重新启动后报告MixedDomainForomNodeToSwitch运行状况警报
  • 交换机连接的NS224磁盘架报告多路径
  • MixedDomainFromSwitchToShelf_Alert 消息:

    [node_name: schmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = MixedDomainFromSwitchToShelf_Alert , Alerting Resource = switch_name-a(ABC123456D7) raised by monitor system-connect

    [node_name: schmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = MixedDomainFromSwitchToShelf_Alert , Alerting Resource = switch_name-b(ABC123456D8) raised by monitor system-connect

    • System health alert

    ::> system health alert show
             Node: node_name
          Alert ID: MixedDomainFromSwitchToShelf_Alert
          Resource: Switch name: switch_name-a(ABC123456D7)
          Severity: Minor
     Indication Time: Tue Jan 10 12:10:02 2023
          Suppress: false
        Acknowledge: false
      Probable Cause: Storage Switch switch_name-a is connected to shelves 3.20,
                 3.30 with mixed domains.
     Possible Effect: This issue will affect conversions to direct-attached
     Corrective Actions: Connect the switch node_name to both shelves with the
                 same storage domain, following the guide applicable to
                 your shelf.
             Node: node_name
          Alert ID: MixedDomainFromSwitchToShelf_Alert
          Resource: Switch name: switch_name-b(ABC123456D8)
          Severity: Minor
     Indication Time: Tue Jan 10 12:10:02 2023
          Suppress: false
        Acknowledge: false
      Probable Cause: Storage Switch switch_name-b is connected to shelves 3.20,
                 3.30 with mixed domains.
     Possible Effect: This issue will affect conversions to direct-attached
     Corrective Actions: Connect the switch node_name to both shelves with the
                 same storage domain, following the guide applicable to
                 your shelf.
    2 entries were displayed.

    • system health subsystem showSAS-connect_Cluster  degraded在系统重新启动后、""显示"" 示例:

    ::> system health subsystem show
     Subsystem Health
     ----------------- ------------------
     SAS-connect ok
     FHM-Bridge ok
     SAS-connect_Cluster  degraded
     13 entries were displayed.

    ::*> system health subsystem show -instance -subsystem SAS-connect_Cluster
                Subsystem: SAS-connect_Cluster
                  Health: unknown
        Initialization State: start_discovery
    Number of Outstanding Alerts: 0
     Number of Suppressed Alerts: 0
                    Node: node_name
      Subsystem Refresh Interval: 30m

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