
e0c/0d FAS9300的链接问题

Last Updated:


  • FAS8300
  • ONTAP 9


9/18/2023 12:42:19 node1 ALERT callhome.sfo.takeover: Call home for CONTROLLER TAKEOVER COMPLETE AUTOMATIC
9/18/2023 12:42:16 node1 EMERGENCY clam.node.ooq: Node (name=nfsshared-nas-02, ID=1001) is out of "CLAM quorum" (reason=seen by HA partner).
9/18/2023 12:42:16 node1 EMERGENCY callhome.clam.node.ooq: Call home for NODE(S) OUT OF CLUSTER QUORUM.
9/18/2023 12:42:16 node1 ALERT cf.fsm.takeover.noHeartbeat: Failover monitor: Takeover initiated after no heartbeat was detected from the partner node.
9/18/2023 12:42:09 node1 ALERT hm.alert.raised: Alert Id = DualControllerHa_Alert , Alerting Resource = 9973708520740686416 raised by monitor system-connect
9/18/2023 12:42:09 node1 ALERT hm.alert.raised: Alert Id = DualControllerHa_Alert , Alerting Resource = 1507155578806930000 raised by monitor system-connect
9/18/2023 12:42:09 node1 ALERT hm.alert.raised: Alert Id = DualControllerHa_Alert , Alerting Resource = 1436782436582754896 raised by monitor system-connect
9/18/2023 12:42:09 node1 ALERT hm.alert.raised: Alert Id = DualControllerHa_Alert , Alerting Resource = 1364724842544826960 raised by monitor system-connect
9/18/2023 12:42:09 node1 ALERT hm.alert.raised: Alert Id = DualControllerHa_Alert , Alerting Resource = 1363040390731074128 raised by monitor system-connect
9/18/2023 12:42:01 node1 ERROR cf.fsm.takeoverByPartnerDisabled: Failover monitor: takeover of node1 by nfsshared-nas-02 disabled (HA interconnect error. Verify that the partner node is running and that the HA interconnect cabling is correct, if applicable. For further assistance, contact technical support).
9/18/2023 12:42:01 node1 ALERT vifmgr.cluscheck.notassigned: Cluster LIF node1_clus1 (node node1) is not assigned to any port.
9/18/2023 12:42:01 node1 ALERT callhome.clus.net.degraded: Call home for CLUSTER NETWORK DEGRADED: Cluster LIF Not Assigned to Any Port - Cluster LIF node1_clus2 (node node1) is not assigned to any port
9/18/2023 12:42:01 node1 ALERT vifmgr.cluscheck.notassigned: Cluster LIF node1_clus2 (node node1) is not assigned to any port.
9/18/2023 12:42:00 node1 EMERGENCY vifmgr.clus.linkdown: The cluster port e0d on node node1 has gone down unexpectedly.
9/18/2023 12:42:00 node1 EMERGENCY vifmgr.clus.linkdown: The cluster port e0c on node node1 has gone down unexpectedly.
9/18/2023 12:39:07 node1 ERROR sfu.downloadSummaryErrors: Shelf firmware updated on 0 shelves, failed to update on 1 shelf.

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