
集群端口上发生大量 CRC 错误

Last Updated:


  • FAS2750
  • FAS2720
  • AFF C190a
  • ONTAP 9
  • 无交换机集群


  • 在集群端口上、CRC错误计数多次 ifconfig:

-- interface  e0b  (232 days, 2 hours, 21 minutes, 3 seconds) --

 Total frames:    252m | Frames/second:    13  | Total bytes:    39644m
 Bytes/second:    1977  | Total errors:    1218  | Errors/minute:     0 
 Total discards:    0  | Discards/minute:    0  | Multi/broadcast:  1020k
 Non-primary u/c:    0  | CRC errors:     1212  | Runt frames:      0 
 Fragment:       0  | Long frames:      0  | Jabber:        3 
 Length errors:     3  | No buffer:       0  | Xon:          0 
 Xoff:         0  | Pause:         0  | Jumbo:       1293k
 Noproto:        0  | Error symbol:    236  | Illegal symbol:   199 
 Bus overruns:     0  | Queue drops:      0  | LRO segments:    249m
 LRO bytes:     26713m
| LRO6 segments:     0  | LRO6 bytes:      0 
 Bad UDP cksum:     0  | Bad UDP6 cksum:    0  | Bad TCP cksum:     0 
 Bad TCP6 cksum:    0  | Mcast v6 solicit:   0 
 Total frames:    561m | Frames/second:    28  | Total bytes: 139g
 Bytes/second:    6980  | Total errors:     0  | Errors/minute:     0 
 Total discards:    0  | Queue overflow:    0  | Multi/broadcast:  1031k
 Xon:          0  | Xoff:         0  | Pause:         0 
 Jumbo:       2565k | Cfg Up to Downs:    2  | TSO non-TCP drop:   0 
 Split hdr drop:    0  | Timeout:        0  | TSO segments:    402k
 TSO bytes:     4840m | TSO6 segments:     0  | TSO6 bytes:      0 
 HW UDP cksums:    154k | HW UDP6 cksums:    0  | HW TCP cksums:    556m
 HW TCP6 cksums:    0  | Mcast v6 solicit:   0 
 Mcast addresses:    3  | Rx MBuf Sz:     4096 
 Speed:       10000M | Duplex:       full | Flowcontrol:     none
 Media state:    activ
e | Up to downs: 8

  • EMS错误消息每小时持续提供以下输出:

Tue Dec 01 04:04:26 JST [node 2: intr: netif.linkErrors:error]: Excessive link errors on network interface e0b. Might indicate a bad cable, switch port, or NIC, or that a cable connector is not fully inserted in a socket. On a 10/100 port, might indicate a duplex mismatch.
Tue Dec 01 05:04:27 JST [node 2: intr: netif.linkErrors:error]: Excessive link errors on network interface e0b. Might indicate a bad cable, switch port, or NIC, or that a cable connector is not fully inserted in a socket. On a 10/100 port, might indicate a duplex mismatch.
Tue Dec 01 06:04:27 JST [node 2: intr: netif.linkErrors:error]: Excessive link errors on network interface e0b. Might indicate a bad cable, switch port, or NIC, or that a cable connector is not fully inserted in a socket. On a 10/100 port, might indicate a duplex mismatch.
Tue Dec 01 07:04:27 JST [node 2: intr: netif.linkErrors:error]: Excessive link errors on network interface e0b. Might indicate a bad cable, switch port, or NIC, or that a cable connector is not fully inserted in a socket. On a 10/100 port, might indicate a duplex mismatch.
Tue Dec 01 08:04:28 JST [node 2: intr: netif.linkErrors:error]: Excessive link errors on network interface e0b. Might indicate a bad cable, switch port, or NIC, or that a cable connector is not fully inserted in a socket. On a 10/100 port, might indicate a duplex mismatch.
Tue Dec 01 09:04:29 JST [node 2: intr: netif.linkErrors:error]: Excessive link errors on network interface e0b. Might indicate a bad cable, switch port, or NIC, or that a cable connector is not fully inserted in a socket. On a 10/100 port, might indicate a duplex mismatch.

  • 即使更换HA配对控制器e0b端口之间的缆线作为隔离、上述错误消息也不会停止。

::> event log show
Time         Node Severity    Event
------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------
1/5/2021 15:11:21 node 2   ERROR      netif.linkErrors: Excessive link errors on network interface e0b. Might indicate a bad cable, switch port, or NIC, or that a cable connector is not fully inserted in a socket. On a 10/100 port, might indicat
e a duplex mismatch.
1/5/2021 14:54:52   node 1   EMERGENCY    vifmgr.clus.linkdown: The cluster port e0b on node node 1 has gone down unexpectedly.
1/5/2021 14:54:52   node 2   EMERGENCY    vifmgr.clus.linkdown: The cluster port e0b on node node 2 has gone down unexpectedly.
1/5/2021 14:11:20   node 2   ERROR      netif.linkErrors: Excessive link errors on network interface e0b. Might indicate a bad cable, switch port, or NIC, or that a cable connector is not fully inserted in a socket. On a 10/100 port, might indicate a duplex mismatch.
1/5/2021 13:11:20   node 2   ERROR netif.linkErrors: Excessive link errors on network interface e0b. Might indicate a bad cable, switch port, or NIC, or that a cable connector is not fully inserted in a socket. On a 10/100 port, might indicate a duplex mismatch.
1/5/2021 12:11:19   node 2   ERROR      netif.linkErrors: Excessive link errors on network interface e0b. Might indicate a bad cable, switch port,
 or NIC, or that a cable connector is not fully inserted in a socket. On a 10/100 port, might indicate a duplex mismatch.
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  • 这是一种无交换机集群配置、目标e0b端口是一个端口、可将节点1 e0b直接连接到节点2 e0b、并将其作为集群LIF端口。
  • 更换缆线后、CRC错误计数继续增加、并且错误仍会报告
  • 连接到速度和双工的每个节点之间的端口没有区别、也不使用SFP等收发器。 
  • 交叉连接的show错误仍然存在、并且不会随缆线而发生。


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