- DS224C
- DS2246
- 电源触发磁盘架故障散热风扇错误会间歇性发生、并会在此后不久清除。
Fri Dec 30 03:38:58 +0900 [Nodename-01: dsa_worker0: ses.status.fanError:EMERGENCY]: DS224-12 (S/N SHFxxxxxxxxxxxx) shelf 18 on channel 0c cooling fan error for Cooling element 4: critical status. This module is on the rear of the shelf on the lower right power supply.
Fri Dec 30 03:39:00 +0900 [Nodename-01: monitor: monitor.globalStatus.critical:EMERGENCY]: Disk shelf fault.
Fri Dec 30 03:39:07 +0900 [Nodename-01: statd: monitor.shelf.fault:alert]: Critical fault reported on disk storage shelf attached to channel 0c. Check fans, power supplies, disks, and temperature sensors.
Fri Dec 30 03:39:34 +0900 [Nodename-01: dsa_worker1: ses.status.fanInfo:info]: DS224-12 (S/N SHFxxxxxxxxxxxx) shelf 18 on channel 0c cooling fan information for Cooling element 4: normal status.
Fri Dec 30 03:39:43 +0900 [Nodename-01: statd: monitor.shelf.fault.ok:notice]: Fault previously reported on disk storage shelf attached to channel 0c has been corrected.
Fri Dec 30 03:40:00 +0900 [Nodename-01: monitor: monitor.globalStatus.ok:notice]: The system's global status is normal.