

Last Updated:


  • AFF A220
  • AFF A150
  • FAS 27xx
  • HA (高可用性)互连


  • HA互连通过中板进行、 事件日志会将链路报告 为已关闭:

Sat Oct 23 21:35:49 +0200 [node: gop_eq_thread: ic.linkStatusChange:info]: HA interconnect: Port ic0a link is down.
Sat Oct 23 21:35:49 +0200 [node: ctrl_hb_port_ic0a: ctrl.rdma.heartBeat:info]: HA interconnect: Missed heartbeat to
Sat Oct 23 21:36:13 +0200 [node: cfdisk_config: cf.diskinventory.sendFailed:debug]: params: {'errorCode': '0', 'reason': 'HA Interconnect down'}

  • 在某些情况下、可能还会看到HA链路发生闪烁。
  • 已禁用集群HA:

Cluster::> cluster ha show
High-Availability Configured: false
High-Availability Backend Configured (MBX): -

Warning: Cluster HA has not been configured.  Cluster HA must be configured
     on a two-node cluster to ensure data access availability in the
     event of storage failover. Use the "cluster ha modify -configured
     true" command to configure cluster HA.

  • 尝试配置HA失败、并显示以下错误:

Cluster::> cluster ha modify -configured true

Warning: High Availability (HA) configuration for cluster services requires
     that both SFO storage failover and SFO auto-giveback be enabled. These
     actions will be performed if necessary.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

Error: command failed: Could not retrieve partner SFO information: entry
    doesn't exist.

  • 两个节点上的链路均报告为已关闭:

Cluster::*> system ha interconnect status show

            Node: Node-01
         Link Status: down
     IC RDMA Connection: down

            Node: Node-02
         Link Status: down
     IC RDMA Connection: down
2 entries were displayed.


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