Flash Cache 停留在重新恢复阶段,但不会 接受插入
ONTAP 9.3P8 及更早版本
Flash Cache 停留在重新恢复阶段,不接受插入,并出现以下症状:
- 磁盘层延迟较高
- 磁盘利用率高
- Flash Cache 中的缓存插入 / 命中率较低
要确认 Flash Cache 中的缓存插入 / 命中率较低,请执行以下操作:
cluster::> set advanced
Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
cluster::*> statistics start -sample-id <test1> -object ext_cache_obj -counter inserts|hit_percent|rewarm_aggrs_failed
Statistics collection is being started for sample-id: test1
fas8200-2n-dal-1::*> statistics stop -sample-id <test1>
Statistics collection is being stopped for sample-id: test1
fas8200-2n-dal-1::*> statistics show -sample-id <test1>
Object: ext_cache_obj
Instance: ec0
Start-time: 5/18/2021 10:43:17
End-time: 5/18/2021 10:43:25
Elapsed-time: 8s
Scope: cluster-1a
Counter Value
-------------------------------- --------------------------------
hit_percent 0%
inserts 0
Object: ext_cache_obj
Instance: ec0
Start-time: 5/18/2021 10:43:17
End-time: 5/18/2021 10:43:25
Elapsed-time: 8s
Scope: cluster-1b
Counter Value
-------------------------------- --------------------------------
hit_percent 0%
inserts 0
4 entries were displayed.
应为 0% ,表示无缓存命中inserts
应低于 10/s ,表示 Flash Cache 中未插入任何数据