- AFF A800
- NS224磁盘架
- 控制器上的故障LED亮起
- 在EMS中接收以下警报
[Node-02: schmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = DomainMismatchFromNodeToShelf_Alert , Alerting Resource = Switch-02(XXXXXXXXXXX) raised by monitor system-connect
[Node-02: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.major:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process schm: DomainMismatchFromNodeToShelf_Alert[Switch-02(XXXXXXXXXXX)].
- 观察到运行状况警报
Cluster::> system health alert show
Node: Node-02
Alert ID: DomainMismatchFromNodeToShelf_Alert
Resource: Switch name: Switch-02(XXXXXXXXXXXX)
Severity: Major
Indication Time: Sat Apr 02 16:24:02 2022
Suppress: false
Acknowledge: false
Probable Cause: The storage domain between the nodes Node-01,
Node-02 and switch Switch-02 is different
from the domain between the switch and shelves 3.1,
Possible Effect: This issue will affect conversions to direct-attached
Corrective Actions: Connect the switch Switch-02 to both the node and
the shelves with the same storage domain, following
the guide applicable to your shelf.