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- Category:
- data-ontap-8
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- hw<a>2008940085</a><a>进行翻译</a>
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- 节点关闭、事件日志中显示以下消息:
[Node-01:nvram.battery.power.fault:EMERGENCY]: The NVRAM battery is not receiving power. To prevent data loss, the system will shut down in 5 minutes.
[Node-01:callhome.battery.failure:EMERGENCY]: Call home for BATTERY (power fault) CRITICAL.
[Node-01:monitor.shutdown.emergency:EMERGENCY]: Emergency shutdown: Environmental Reason Shutdown (Battery power fault)
- 启动时的控制台消息:
WARNING: The battery is experiencing a critical failure:
- Battery power fault
Without a working battery, the system cannot retain data
during a power outage, which can result in data loss.
Power down the system and verify that the battery is
properly installed.
To ignore this failure and boot the system in a mode
where data loss might occur, press 'c' followed by 'Enter'
- 系统已启动、并提供了足够的时间来为NVRAM电池充电
- SP/BMC固件已更新为最新可用版本