
EMS 日志报告 spm.ntpd.process.exit" 和 callhome.spm.process.maxexit"

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9.8
  • 网络时间协议守护进程( ntpd )


  • ONTAP 报告 "EMS 中的 spm.ntpd.process.exit" 和 callhome.spm.process.maxexit" 事件。
  • 从集群中删除节点及其故障转移配对节点后会出现这些错误。


Wed Jul 28 15:13:46 +0900 [node04: spmd: spm.ntpd.process.exit:error]: The ntpd with ID 15096 exited as a result of normal exit (20). This server will attempt to restart.
Wed Jul 28 15:13:46 +0900 [node04: spmd: spm.ntpd.process.exit:error]: The ntpd with ID 15097 exited as a result of normal exit (20). This server will attempt to restart.
Wed Jul 28 15:13:46 +0900 [node04: spmd: spm.ntpd.process.exit:error]: The ntpd with ID 15098 exited as a result of normal exit (20). This server will attempt to restart.
Wed Jul 28 15:13:46 +0900 [node04: spmd: spm.ntpd.process.exit:error]: The ntpd with ID 15099 exited as a result of normal exit (20). This server will attempt to restart.
Wed Jul 28 15:13:46 +0900 [node04: spmd: spm.ntpd.process.exit:error]: The ntpd with ID 15100 exited as a result of normal exit (20). This server will attempt to restart.
Wed Jul 28 15:13:46 +0900 [node04: spmd: spm.ntpd.process.exit:error]: The ntpd with ID 15101 exited as a result of normal exit (20). This server will attempt to restart.
Wed Jul 28 15:13:46 +0900 [node04: spmd: spm.ntpd.process.exit:error]: The ntpd with ID 15102 exited as a result of normal exit (20). This server will attempt to restart.
Wed Jul 28 15:13:46 +0900 [ndoe04: spmd: spm.ntpd.process.exit:error]: The ntpd with ID 15103 exited as a result of normal exit (20). This server will attempt to restart.
Wed Jul 28 15:13:46 +0900 [node04: spmd: spm.ntpd.process.exit:error]: The ntpd with ID 15104 exited as a result of normal exit (20). This server will attempt to restart.
Wed Jul 28 15:13:46 +0900 [nocd04: spmd: callhome.spm.process.maxexit:error]: Call home for MAXIMUM EXITS THRESHOLD OF A PROCESS MANAGED BY SPM IS REACHED
  • ""Spmd.log显示由于重复重新启动, ntpd 处于 slow -restart 模式。


Wed Jul 28 2021 15:13:46 +09:00 [kern_spmd:info:2393] 0x801007000: 0: WARNING: spmd::ProcessControlManager: onProcessExit:src/process_control_manager.cc:1119 process a1b672a7-823c-4d7b-8a6d-8b769f3089c5 is slow-restartable because restarting more than 10 in 3600 seconds.




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