EMS 日志每 1 小时报告一次 iomem.nor.op.failed:critical" 错误
- FAS8060
- ONTAP 8.2.1
- EMS 日志每 1 小时报告一次 iomem.nor.op.failed:critical" 错误。
[?] Wed Sep 09 18:47:13 JST [filer: fmm_main: iomem.nor.op.failed:critical]: params: {'slot': '3', 'part_num': '111-00903', 'reason': 'Interface timeout', 'address': '0x20000', 'model': 'X1974A-R6', 'serial': 'xxxxxxxxx', 'op': 'Erase'}
[?] Wed Sep 09 18:47:13 JST [filer: fmm_main: fmm.dev.stats.write.failed:debug]: Flash Cache in slot 3: Error occured while writing a statistics copy onboard the device at index 1.
[?] Wed Sep 09 19:47:18 JST [filer: fmm_main: iomem.nor.op.failed:critical]: params: {'slot': '3', 'part_num': '111-00903', 'reason': 'Interface timeout', 'address': '0x20000', 'model': 'X1974A-R6', 'serial': 'xxxxxxxxx', 'op': 'Erase'}
[?] Wed Sep 09 19:47:18 JST [filer: fmm_main: fmm.dev.stats.write.failed:debug]: Flash Cache in slot 3: Error occured while writing a statistics copy onboard the device at index 1.
- Flash Cache 将保持联机状态。
slot 3: Flash Cache 2 (1.0 TB)
State: Enabled
Model Name: X1974A-R6
Serial Number: xxxxxxxxx
Part Number: 111-00903
Board Revision: C2
FPGA Release: 3.4
FPGA Build: 201407151914