在 ONTAP 升级期间, FAS2552 上的集群网络端口发生故障
- FAS2552
- ONTAP 升级
- 无交换机集群
- 在 ONTAP 升级期间,集群网络端口会关闭:
cluster::> network port show
e0e Cluster - down 9000 auto/auto -false
e0f Cluster - down 9000 auto/auto - false
- 无法执行存储故障转移交还:
cluster1::> storage failover show
Node Partner Possible State Description
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
cluster1-n1 cluster1-n2 false Connected to cluster1-n2,
Partial giveback, Takeover is not
possible: The version of software
running on each node of the SFO pair
is incompatible, NVRAM log not
cluster1-n2 cluster1-n1 - Waiting for cluster applications to
come online on the local node \
Offline applications: mgmt, vldb, vifmgr, bcomd, crs.
2 entries were displayed.
cluster1::> storage failover show-giveback
Partner Node Aggregate Giveback Status
-------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------
cluster1-n1 CFO Aggregates Done aggr1_DATA1 Not attempted yetWarning: Unable to list entries on node cluster1-n2. RPC: Couldn't make connection [from mgwd on node "cluster1-n1" (VSID: -1) to mgwd at 169.254.XX.YY]
2 entries were displayed.