
磁盘缺失 - AutoSupport 消息

Last Updated:


  • ClusterA-01 中的 HA 组通知(缺少文件系统磁盘)错误
  • ClusterA-01 中的 HA 组通知(缺少备用磁盘)错误
  • Data ONTAP 8 7-模式
  • ONTAP 9
  • raid.disk.missing:info


每当 ONTAP 检测到已分配给节点的驱动器不再存在时,都会发送磁盘缺失 AutoSupport 消息。


  • 事件日志将报告缺少的驱动器的详细信息:

event log show -severity INFORMATIONAL -event *filesystem.disk.missing*

Mon Apr 06 18:36:20 UTC [Nodename: config_thread: raid.config.filesystem.disk.missing:info]: File system Disk /aggr1/plex0/rg3/0b.04.22 Shelf 4 Bay 22 [NETAPP   X477_SMBPE04TA07 NA00] S/N [XX1234567] UID [5000C500:AE235FDF:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000] is missing.

Mon Apr 06 18:37:00 UTC [Nodename: config_failed_disk: callhome.fdsk.missing:error]: Call home for FILESYSTEM DISK MISSING


  • 使用 storage disk show -shelf <shelf_number> 和警报中标识的磁盘架编号来检查驱动器:

ClusterA::> storage disk show -shelf 0
                     Usable           Disk    Container   Container
Disk                   Size Shelf Bay Type    Type        Name      Owner
---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------
1.0.0               546.9GB     0   0 SAS     aggregate   aggr0_ClusterA-02 ClusterA-02
1.0.1               546.9GB     0   1 SAS     aggregate   aggr0_ClusterA-01 ClusterA-01
1.0.3               546.9GB     0   3 SAS     aggregate   aggr0_ClusterA-01 ClusterA-01
1.0.4               546.9GB     0   4 SAS     aggregate   aggr0_ClusterA-02 ClusterA-02
1.0.5               546.9GB     0   5 SAS     aggregate   aggr0_ClusterA-01 ClusterA-01
1.0.6               546.9GB     0   6 SAS     aggregate   aggr0_ClusterA-02 ClusterA-02
1.0.7               546.9GB     0   7 SAS     aggregate   aggr1     ClusterA-01
1.0.8               546.9GB     0   8 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.9               546.9GB     0   9 SAS     aggregate   aggr1     ClusterA-01
1.0.10              546.9GB     0  10 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.11              546.9GB     0  11 SAS     aggregate   aggr1     ClusterA-01
1.0.12              546.9GB     0  12 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.13              546.9GB     0  13 SAS     aggregate   aggr1     ClusterA-01
1.0.14              546.9GB     0  14 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.15              546.9GB     0  15 SAS     aggregate   aggr1     ClusterA-01
1.0.16              546.9GB     0  16 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.17              546.9GB     0  17 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-01
1.0.18              546.9GB     0  18 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.19              546.9GB     0  19 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-01
1.0.20              546.9GB     0  20 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.21              546.9GB     0  21 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-01
1.0.22              546.9GB     0  22 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-02
1.0.23              546.9GB     0  23 SAS     spare       Pool0     ClusterA-01
23 entries were displayed.

  • 上述示例中缺少驱动器 1.0.2 。



  1. 是否正在进行维护?
  1. 检查驱动器是否实际位于磁盘架托架中
  1. 所有权是否已从分区驱动器中删除 - 错误编号 1403752
  1. 驱动器是否再次可见?
    • storage disk show -shelf <shelf_number> 第一次警报后 30 分钟左右检查。
  1. 如果上述步骤均未提供任何说明,但驱动器仍不存在,请联系 NetApp 技术支持 以获得进一步帮助。



NetApp provides no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or reliability or serviceability of any information or recommendations provided in this publication or with respect to any results that may be obtained by the use of the information or observance of any recommendations provided herein. The information in this document is distributed AS IS and the use of this information or the implementation of any recommendations or techniques herein is a customer's responsibility and depends on the customer's ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer's operational environment. This document and the information contained herein may be used solely in connection with the NetApp products discussed in this document.