- NS224 架
- 有关NSM模块上的DIMM故障的事件日志报告以下错误:
[Node-01: dsa_worker3: ses.status.dimm.error:error]: NS224NSM100 (S/N SHFGBXXXXXXXX) shelf 0 on channel 0x DIMM failure for Dimm Element 8: not installed or failed. This element is on the DIMM slot 4 in the bottom shelf module (B).
cluster::> storage shelf show -instance
ID Mod Type Size Speed Status Location
--- --- ---- ---- ------- ------------ -------------------------------
1 A DIMM 8GB 2666Mhz normal DIMM slot 1 in the top shelf module (A)
2 A DIMM 8GB 2666Mhz normal DIMM slot 2 in the top shelf module (A)
3 A DIMM 8GB 2666Mhz normal DIMM slot 3 in the top shelf module (A)
4 A DIMM 8GB 2666Mhz normal DIMM slot 4 in the top shelf module (A)
5 B DIMM 8GB 2666Mhz normal DIMM slot 1 in the bottom shelf module (B)
6 B DIMM 8GB 2666Mhz normal DIMM slot 2 in the bottom shelf module (B)
7 B DIMM 8GB 2666Mhz normal DIMM slot 3 in the bottom shelf module (B)
8 B error DIMM slot 4 in the bottom shelf module (B)
storage show fault
cluster::> system node run -node <node> storage show fault
Element Status Status Bytes Status Descriptions
1 [NSM100 A] : OK 01,00,00,00
2 [NSM100 A] : OK 01,00,00,00
3 [NSM100 A] : OK 01,00,00,00
4 [NSM100 A] : OK 01,00,00,00
5 [NSM100 B] : OK 01,00,00,00
6 [NSM100 B] : OK 01,00,00,00
7 [NSM100 B] : OK 06,00,00,00
8 [NSM100 B] : UNKNOWN 01,00,00,00