
在 ONTAP FAS 环境中使用 Oracle ASM 执行持续 Linux 主机 DMMP 故障转移

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • Data ONTAP 8
  • 7-模式 Data ONTAP
  • Oracle ASM
  • 设备映射程序多路径( DMMP )


FAS SAN 产品可能会出现以下症状:

  • 合作伙伴路径流量
  • 合作伙伴路径配置错误的 ASUP 警报
  • 影响性能


以下错误讯息在主机日志( /var/log/messages )中反复报告:

May 18 03:47:40 hostname kernel: sd 5:0:0:3: rdac: array example, ctlr 0, queueing MODE_SELECT command
May 18 03:47:40 hostname kernel: sd 5:0:0:3: rdac: array example, ctlr 0, MODE_SELECT returned with sense 06/94/01
May 18 03:47:40 hostname kernel: sd 5:0:0:3: rdac: array example, ctlr 0, retrying MODE_SELECT command
May 18 03:47:40 hostname kernel: sd 5:0:0:3: rdac: array example, ctlr 0, MODE_SELECT completed
May 18 03:48:00 hostname multipathd: vol1: load table [0 209715200 multipath 1 queue_if_no_path 1 rdac 2 1 round-robin 0 1 1 8:144 1 round-robin 0 1 1 8:112 1]
May 18 03:48:21 hostname multipathd: vol3: load table [0 629145600 multipath 1 queue_if_no_path 1 rdac 2 1 round-robin 0 1 1 8:80 1 round-robin 0 1 1 8:64 1]
May 18 03:48:21 hostname kernel: sd 5:0:0:1: rdac: array example, ctlr 0, queueing MODE_SELECT command
May 18 03:48:21 hostname kernel: sd 5:0:0:1: rdac: array example, ctlr 0, MODE_SELECT returned with sense 06/94/01May 18 03:48:21 hostname kernel: sd 5:0:0:1: rdac: array example, ctlr 0, retrying MODE_SELECT command
May 18 03:48:21 hostname kernel: sd 5:0:0:1: rdac: array example, ctlr 0, MODE_SELECT completed
May 18 03:48:40 hostname multipathd: vol2: load table [0 209715200 multipath 1 queue_if_no_path 1 rdac 2 1 round-robin 0 1 1 8:160 1 round-robin 0 1 1 8:176 1]
May 18 03:48:40 hostname multipathd: vol2: load table [0 209715200 multipath 1 queue_if_no_path 1 rdac 2 1 round-robin 0 1 1 8:160 1 round-robin 0 1 1 8:176 1]
May 18 03:48:40 hostname kernel: sd 6:0:0:4: rdac: array example, ctlr 1, queueing MODE_SELECT command
May 18 03:48:40 hostname kernel: sd 6:0:0:4: rdac: array example, ctlr 1, MODE_SELECT returned with sense 06/94/01
May 18 03:48:40 hostname kernel: sd 6:0:0:4: rdac: array example, ctlr 1, retrying MODE_SELECT command
May 18 03:48:40 hostname kernel: sd 6:0:0:4: rdac: array example, ctlr 1, MODE_SELECT completed



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