

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • FAS 26xx系列
  • FAS 27xx系列


  • HA对中的一个节点报告读取温度传感器时出现的问题、这些问题会自动更正:

[node1: env_mgr: monitor.fan.warning:notice]: multiple fans have failed. Replace it to avoid overheating
[node1: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Module B Expander Temp) is not readable.
[node1: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Module A Expander Temp) is not readable.
[node1: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Midplane 4 Temp) is not readable.
[node1: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Midplane 3 Temp) is not readable.
[node1: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Midplane 2 Temp) is not readable.
[node1: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Midplane 1 Temp) is not readable.
[node1: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Ambient Temp) is not readable.
[node1: env_mgr: callhome.c.fan.fru.fault:error]: Call home for CHASSIS FAN FRU FAILED: Multiple fans have failed
[node1: env_mgr: monitor.fan.ok:notice]: All fans are OK.
[node1: env_mgr: monitor.chassisTemperature.ok:notice]: Chassis temperature is ok.
[node1: monitor: monitor.globalStatus.ok:notice]: The system's global status is normal.

  • 某些温度传感器在受影响节点上不可用、而配对节点则报告它们为正常。

cluster1::> system node run -node * -command environment status
2 entries were acted on.

Node: node1

      Shelf temperatures by element:
       [10] 28 C (82 F)  Normal temperature range
       [11] Unavailable
       [12] Unavailable
       [13] 29 C (84 F)  Normal temperature range

Node: node2

     Shelf temperatures by element:
      [10] 33 C (91 F)  Normal temperature range
     [11] 48 C (118 F)  Normal temperature range
      [12] 26 C (78 F)  Normal temperature range

      [13] 34 C (93 F)  Normal temperature range

  • 如果问题描述 处于活动状态、但仅来自一个节点、则FRU状态会显示为已降级:

cluster1::> system controller fru show
Node         FRU Name            Subsystem      Status
------------------ ---------------------------- ------------------ -----------
node1        PSU1 FRU            Environment     degraded
node1         PSU2 FRU            Environment     degraded
node2         PSU1 FRU            Environment     ok
node2         PSU2 FRU            Environment     ok

  • 受影响节点的BMC会频繁重新启动、并在 SP事件日志中报告以下信息:

Record 1250: Sat Jan 28 10:04:27.990616 2023 [BMC.critical]: Rebooting SP due to loss of ACP comms
Record 1251: Sun Jan 01 00:00:23.962645 2017 [IPMI.notice]: 00fd | c0 | OEM: ffff70005100 | ManufId: 150300 | BMC Reset Internally

  • 通过在问题描述 时间对端口e0M进行数据包跟踪分析、可以发现来自集群间逻辑接口(IC LIF)的高传入流量。

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