


  • ONTAP 9
  • CN1610集群交换机
  • BES-53248集群交换机


  • 断电或维护后交换机重新启动。
  • 系统会 CLUSTER NETWORK DEGRADED 在事件日志中报告以下警报:

[Node-01: vifmgr: callhome.clus.net.degraded:alert]: Call home for CLUSTER NETWORK DEGRADED: Total Packet Loss - Ping failures detected between Node-01_clus2 ( 169.XXX.XX.XXX ) on Node-01 and Node-04_clus1 ( 169.XXX.XX.XXX ) on Node-04

  • 如果使用ISL LAG (链路聚合)、您可能会看到此ASUP 警报:(Health Monitor process cshm: SwitchIfIslDownWarn_Alert[<switch_name>/<LAG_name>]) ALERT
  • 在事件日志中:

[Node-04: cshmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = SwitchIfIslDownWarn_Alert , Alerting Resource = cluster-sw1/ Link Aggregate 1 raised by monitor cluster-switch

  • 交换机运行状况已降级:

cluster1::> system health subsystem show
Subsystem      Health
----------------- ------------------
SAS-connect     ok
Environment     ok
Memory          ok
Service-Processor ok
Switch-Health    degraded
CIFS-NDO      ok
Motherboard     ok

  • 交换机 show tech-support 报告ISL端口已禁用和已关闭:

Switch# show port all

         Admin    Physical   Physical   Link   Link   LACP   Actor
Intf    Type   Mode    Mode     Status    Status Trap   Mode   Timeout
--------- ------ --------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------- ------ --------
0/13      PC Mbr Disable   10G Full              Down   Enable  Enable long
0/14      PC Mbr Disable   10G Full              Down   Enable  Enable long
0/15      PC Mbr Disable   10G Full              Down   Enable  Enable long
0/16      PC Mbr Disable   10G Full              Down   Enable  Enable long
  • show running-config 交换机的输出中、我们看到 所有ISL端口均已关闭:

    interface 0/13
    description 'ISL member port 13'
    mtu 9216
    interface 0/14
    description 'ISL member port 14'
    mtu 9216
    interface 0/15
    description 'ISL member port 15'
    mtu 9216
    interface 0/16
    description 'ISL member port 16'
    mtu 9216


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