
更换主板后、PCM无法启动、并显示消息The incorrect NVMEM batterY is installed

Last Updated:


  • AFF A400、AFF C400、ASA A400、ASA C400、FAS8700、 FAS8300
  • AFF C190、 AFF A150、 AFF A220、ASA A150、FAS2750、FAS2720
  • AFF A800、AFF C800、ASA A800、ASA C800


  • 更换开机自检主板(PCM)中适用场景部分的型号时、 在启动期间出现以下错误:

Apr 27 08:31:18 [Node1:nvmem.battery.unread:EMERGENCY]: The NVMEM battery state cannot be determined because the 'Bat Initial FCC' sensor is unreadable. To prevent data loss, the system will shut down in 5 minutes.
Apr 27 08:31:18 Power outage protection flash de-staging: 28 cycles
WARNING:  The battery is unfit to retain data during a power
          outage.  This is likely because the battery is
          discharged but could be due to other temporary
          When the battery is ready, the boot process will
          complete and services will be engaged.
          To override this delay, press 'c' followed by 'Enter'
Apr 27 08:32:18 [Node1:callhome.battery.failure:EMERGENCY]: Call home for BATTERY ('Bat Initial FCC' unreadable) CRITICAL.
Apr 27 08:32:19 [Node1:nvmem.battery.packInvalid:EMERGENCY]: The incorrect NVMEM battery is installed. Expected part number is 271-00045. To prevent data loss, the system will shut down in 5 minutes.
Apr 27 08:32:49 [Node1:callhome.battery.failure:EMERGENCY]: Call home for BATTERY (invalid pack) CRITICAL.
Apr 27 08:33:21 Power outage protection flash de-staging: 30 cycles
^CApr 27 08:35:23 Power outage protection flash de-staging: 31 cycles
Apr 27 08:37:25 Power outage protection flash de-staging: 32 cycles
Apr 27 08:39:27 Power outage protection flash de-staging: 33 cycles
Apr 27 08:41:29 Power outage protection flash de-staging: 34 cycles
* Power Fail - Please Wait *

  • 然后、此节点将继续关闭。


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