
由于L2 watchdog重置、AFF A400/FAS8300/FAS8700重新启动

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • AFF A400
  • FAS 8300
  • FAS 8700


  • 由于L2 watchdog重置、节点意外重新启动。
  • 运行正常的配对节点出现ONTAP事件消息(EMS)错误:
NOTICE cf.hwassist.takeoverTrapRecv: hw_assist: Received takeover hw_assist alert from partner(node-01), system_down because reset_via_sp.
NOTICE cf.hwassist.takeoverTrapRecv: hw_assist: Received takeover hw_assist alert from partner(node-01), system_down because l2_watchdog_reset.
[node-1: cf_hwassist: cf.hwassist.takeoverTrapRecv:notice]: hw_assist: Received takeover hw_assist alert from partner(node_name-2), system_down because power_off_via_sp.
  • 来自受影响节点的ONTAP崩溃消息:
[node-2: send_boot_msg_thread: mgr.stack.string:notice]: Panic string: watchdog nmi on cpu 8, hang cpu is 1 in process idle: cpu8 on release...
  • BMC日志会报告NMI错误:

BMC> system log sel

df | 11/06/2021 | 01:58:24 | System Event #0xff | Timestamp Clock Sync | Asserted
e0 | 11/06/2021 | 02:12:53 | Watchdog 2 #0xb1 | Timer interrupt (NMI/SMS/OS) | Asserted
e1 | 11/06/2021 | 02:12:53 | Critical Interrupt #0xb0 | NMI/Diag Interrupt | Asserted
e2 | 11/06/2021 | 02:12:56 | Watchdog 2 #0xb1 | Hard reset (NMI/SMS/OS) | Asserted
e3 | 11/06/2021 | 02:12:56 | Power Unit #0xb2 | Power reset | Asserted | from channel 15


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