SAS 磁盘架 ACP 处理器 "X" 的 ACP 处理器错误
症状 1 :
Sat Mar 19 22:41:51 EST [xxx:ses.status.ACPError:CRITICAL]: DS4246 (S/N XXXXXXXXX) shelf 11 on channel 2c ACP Processor error for SAS shelf ACP processor 2: critical status ; Alternate Control Path hardware failed This module is on the rear of the shelf at the bottom center, on shelf module B.
Sat Mar 19 22:41:54 EST [xxx:monitor.shelf.fault:CRITICAL]: Fault reported on disk storage shelf attached to channel 1b. Check fans, power supplies, disks, and temperature sensors. Sat Mar 19 22:41:54 EST [xxx:callhome.shlf.fault:error]: Call home for SHELF_FAULT
症状 2 :
ACP Connectivity Status: Partial Connectivity
A Shelf Module Reset Cnt IP Address FW Version Module Type Status
----------------- ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------ -------
2c.11.B 000 02.08 IOM6 inactive (rebooting)
B Shelf Module Reset Cnt IP Address FW Version Module Type Status
----------------- ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------ -------
2c.11.B 000 02.08 IOM6 not-responding (last contact at: "Sat Mar 19 22:32:42 EST 2016")
症状 3.
filer>storage show fault
Enclosure Status: critical
Channel: 1b
Shelf: 11
Shelf Type: DS4246
Product Serial Number: XXXXXXXXX
Module Type: IOM6
. . .
Vendor Unique Element 85-IOM6: (ACP)
Element Status Status Bytes Status Descriptions
1 [IOM6 A] : OK 01,70,00,80
2 [IOM6 B] : CRITICAL 02,00,00,40 FAIL
症状 4.
filer>environment status shelf
Module type: IOM6; monitoring is active
Shelf status: critical condition
SES Configuration, shelf 11:
. . . .
ACP installed element list: 1, 2; with error: 2