
FabricPool :由于连接间歇性、文件访问停止工作

core<a>CIFS</a><a>NFS</a><a>AWS</a><a>Fabric Pool</a>
Last Updated:


  • Fabric Pool
  • Amazon Web Services ( AWS )


  • 由于连接间歇性、文件访问停止工作。
  • object.store.unavailable 日志下会显示消息 EMS

object.store.unavailable: Unable to connect to the object store "<S3_Bucket>" from node <node_name>.  

Reason: Access denied.
  • 由于PUT失败、事件分析器连接测试中止。
    cluster::*> storage aggregate object-store profiler show

Object store config name: S3Bucket
Node name: cluster-01
Status: Aborted due to PUT failure
Start time: 7/24/2020 09:19:20

Op      Size       Total     Failed             Latency(ms)          Throughput
               min       max       avg
PUT     4MB        51        51        524       7718      7384      0B
GET     4KB        0         0         0         0        0         0B
GET     8KB        0         0         0         0         0         0B
GET     32KB       0         0         0         0         0         0B
GET     256KB      0         0         0         0         0         0B
5 entries were displayed.


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