用于MCC IP ISL端口的ClusterIfIslDownWarn_Alert
- N9K-C933NC-拧 动MCC IP交换机
- MCC IP ISL端口(Cisco 3232C或Cisco 9336C交换机的平台端口分配
- Cisco QP-40G-SR-BD、带制造部件号10-294-02
- BES-53248
- MCC IP的每一端、报告每周集群交换机运行状况警报。示例:
[node_name-A-01: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.major:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process cshm: ClusterIfIslDownWarn_Alert[switch1-sideA(FDO0123456AB)/Ethernet1/16].
[node_name-B-01: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.major:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process cshm: ClusterIfIslDownWarn_Alert[switch1-sideB(FDO3456789AC)/Ethernet1/16].
System health alert show
输出 示例:
Monitor ethernet-switch
Alert ID ClusterIfIslDownWarn_Alert
Alerting Resource switch1-sideA(FDO0123456AB)/Ethernet1/16
Subsystem Switch-Health
Perceived Severity Major
Probable Cause Cable_tamper
Description The cable used to connect switch "switch1-sideA(FDO0123456AB)/Ethernet1/16" to the ISL port might be faulty. For the port-channel, please check each individual link.
- 这两个 交换机都报告该端口的
Link not connected
switch1-sideA# show interface brief
Ethernet VLAN Type Mode Status Reason Speed Port Interface Ch #
Eth1/16 1 eth trunk down Link not connected auto(D) 10
switch1-sideB# show interface brief
Ethernet VLAN Type Mode Status Reason Speed Port Interface Ch #
Eth1/16 1 eth trunk down Link not connected auto(D) 10
- 重新固定QSFP后、问题描述仍然存在
- 更换电缆后、问题描述仍然存在