无法在 Brocade 交换机上通过 SCP 和 SFTP 收集配置上传或支持保存
Brocade SAN 交换机
无法通过安全复制( SCP )和安全文件传输协议( SFTP )收集 "upportsault" 或 "configupload" ,即使它满足以下要求也是如此。
- 交换机能够对 SCP/SFTP 服务器执行 ping 操作。
- SCP/SFTP 服务器还能够对交换机执行 ping 操作。
- 没有防火墙阻止 SCP 或 SFTP 端口。
- 支持 FTP 。
SCP Example:
switch:admin> configupload
Protocol (scp, ftp, sftp, local) [ftp]: scp
Do you want to continue with CRA (Y/N) [N]: y
Server Name or IP Address [host]:
User Name [user]: admin
Path/Filename [
/config.txt]: /configupload.scp
Section (all|chassis|switch [all]): switch
lost connection
configUpload not permitted (scp failed).
SFTP Example:
switch:admin> supportsave
This command collects RASLOG, TRACE, supportShow, core file, FFDC data
and then transfer them to a FTP/SCP/SFTP server or a USB device.
This operation can take several minutes.
NOTE: supportSave will transfer existing trace dump file first, then
automatically generate and transfer latest one. There will be two trace dump
files transferred after this command.
OK to proceed? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
Host IP or Host Name:
User Name: admin
Protocol (ftp | scp | sftp): sftp
Remote Directory: /
Do you want to continue with CRA (Y/N) [N]: y
Saving support information for switch:switch, module:RAS...
Remote Host:Could not connect to remote host.
SupportSave failed.