主机无法登录到Brocade上的FCP LIF
- Brocade交换机FOS 7.0及更早版本
- 如果这会影响您的系统、请检查Active IQ
- 一个或多个主机无法访问存储系统上的一个或多个FCP生命周期管理器、并且无法登录到目标生命周期管理器
- 此问题发生在控制器 重新启动或升级、断电之后、或者可能在 网络结构发生某种更改之后
- LUN未映射、启动程序未登录到存储断电后
- 存储系统可能会记录光纤通道网络结构管理服务器请求失败并说明 原因
code 0x5
Wed Jun 06 17:26:09 CEST [xx4-xx-c: fct_tpd_work_thread_0: scsitarget.hwpfct.mserr:debug]: The Fibre Channel fabric management server request (RFT_ID) sent from adapter 1b failed with reason code 0x5 (Server busy/cannot perform operation), explanation code 0x0 (No additional data), and response code 0x8001.
- 交换机 显示LIF已登录到网络结构、但不会 在LIF上显示FC4 enabled
switch1:admin> nsshow
Type Pid COS PortName NodeName TTL(sec)
N 010000; 3;50:0a:xx:81:xx:34:xx:78;50:0a:09:xx:xx:xx:56:78; na
PortSymb: [46] "NetApp FC Target Adapter (8324) cluster1:0e"
NodeSymb: [40] "NetApp FAS8080 (cluster1-01/cluster1-02)"
Fabric Port Name: 20:00:xx:eb:xx:xx:xx:4d
Permanent Port Name: 50:0a:09:81:12:34:56:78
Port Index: 0
Share Area: No
Device Shared in Other AD: No
Redirect: No
Partial: No
N 010001; 3;20:00:00:a0:98:xx:xx:56;20:xx:00:a0:xx:12:xx:56; na
PortSymb: [64] "NetApp FC Target Port (8324) fcp-svm:fcp-lif-01-0e"
NodeSymb: [29] "NetApp Vserver fcp-svm"
Fabric Port Name: 20:00:50:xx:xx:2b:xx:ed
Permanent Port Name: 50:0a:09:xx:xx:xx:xx:78
Port Index: 0
Share Area: No
Device Shared in Other AD: No
Redirect: No
Partial: No
- 在上面的示例中、LIF和端口已登录到网络结构、但FC4未启用。LIF条目应显示
N 010001; 3;20:00:00:xx:xx:xx:34:56;20:04:00:a0:xx:xx:xx:56; na
PortSymb: [64] "NetApp FC Target Port (8324) fcp-svm:fcp-lif-01-0e"
NodeSymb: [29] "NetApp Vserver fcp-svm"
Fabric Port Name: 20:00:50:eb:1a:xx:xx:ed
Permanent Port Name: 50:0a:09:81:xx:xx:xx:78
Port Index: 0
Share Area: No
Device Shared in Other AD: No
Redirect: No
Partial: No
None connected
状态显示在GUI/System Manager上的SAN启动程序组选项卡中
- 在FOS v7.0及更早版本中、 系统会 拒绝名称服务器为多个NPIV端口请求
、并显示原因0x05 (Logical Busy)
- 如果主机不重试此请求、则无法看到此设备。这可能会阻止存储系统LIF使用FC4类型。因此、启动程序将无法登录到LIF