由于RSA主机密钥无效、Brocade FOS固件下载失败
- Brocade交换机
- FABOS 7.4.
- Brocade FOS 固件下载失败,并显示错误 由于固件路径无效、Brocade FOS固件下载失败“服务器不可访问或固件路径无效”:
<switchname>:<switchadminuser>> firmwaredownload
Server Name or IP Address: w.x.y.z
User Name: <sftpuser>
File Name: /fw/v7.4.2g2
Network Protocol(1-auto-select, 2-FTP, 3-SCP, 4-SFTP) [1]: 4
Do you want to input SFTP options (Y/N) [N]:
Verifying if the public key authentication is available.Please wait ...
The public key authentication is not available.
Do you want to continue with CRA (Y/N)[N]:
Server IP: w.x.y.z, Protocol IPv4
Checking system settings for firmwaredownload...
Failed to access sftp://<sftpuser>:@w.x.y.z//fw/v7.4.2g2/release.plist
The server is inaccessible or firmware path is invalid. Please make sure the server name/IP address and the firmware path are valid, the protocol and authentication are supported. It is also possible that the RSA host key could have been changed and please contact the System Administrator for adding the correct hostkey.
- 存放固件包和SFTP服务器sftp用户凭据的文件夹的路径使用FileZilla SFTP客户端进行验证。