在Brocade交换机端口上触发规则- defall_target_portSRX _90
- Rx利用率达到高且
。 Sfpshow
输出报告 建议范围内的Tx和Rx功率。
Slot 3/Port 27:
RX Power: -0.8 dBm (833.4uW)
TX Power: -0.6 dBm (877.8 uW)
不会报告任何错误、因为 在上传日志之前已清除统计信息。
/fabos/cliexec/porterrshow :
frames enc crc crc too too bad enc disc link loss loss frjt fbsy c3timeout pcs uncor
tx rx in err g_eof shrt long eof out c3 fail sync sig tx rx err err
139: 3.6g 52.7g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
phy_stats_clear_ts 03-04-2024 IST Mon 05:02:54 Timestamp of phy_port stats clear
lgc_stats_clear_ts 03-04-2024 IST Mon 05:02:54 Timestamp of lgc_port stats clear
fec_corrected_rate 0 FEC Corrected blocks per second
• Errdump
日志报告规则- defALL_TARGET_PORTSRX_90
2024/03/04-11:21:48 (IST), [MAPS-1003], 58286, SLOT 1 | FID 128 | PORT 3/27, WARNING, Switch, slot3 port27, F-Port 3/27, Condition=ALL_TARGET_PORTS(RX/hour>90), Current Value:[RX, 96.12 %], RuleName=defALL_TARGET_PORTSRX_90, Dashboard Category=Fabric Performance Impact, Quiet Time=None.
2024/03/04-12:21:48 (IST), [MAPS-1003], 58335, SLOT 1 | FID 128 | PORT 3/27, WARNING, Switch, slot3 port27, F-Port 3/27, Condition=ALL_TARGET_PORTS(RX/hour>90), Current Value:[RX, 94.56 %], RuleName=defALL_TARGET_PORTSRX_90, Dashboard Category=Fabric Performance Impact, Quiet Time=None.
(网络结构性能影响)输出中,报告 受影响端口上的利用率 非常高(>90%)。
3.2 Rules Affecting Health:
Category(Violation Count)|RepeatCount|Rule Name |Execution Time |Object |Triggered Value(Units)|
|1 |defALL_TARGET_PORTSRX_90 |03/04/24 12:21:48|F-Port 3/27 |94.56 % |
|1 |defALL_TARGET_PORTSRX_90 |03/04/24 11:21:48|F-Port 3/27 |96.12 % |
|1 |defALL_TARGET_PORTSRX_90 |03/04/24 10:21:48|F-Port 3/27 |90.02 % |
|10 |defALL_TARGET_PORTSRX_90 |03/02/24 19:25:46|F-Port 3/27 |93.11 % |
| | | |F-Port 3/27 |96.33 % |
| | | |F-Port 3/27 |96.04 % |
| | | |F-Port 3/27 |96.66 % |
| | | |F-Port 3/27 |94.65 % |
|8 |defALL_TARGET_PORTSRX_90 |03/01/24 18:36:46|F-Port 3/27 |94.07 % |
| | | |F-Port 3/27 |94.23 % |
| | | |F-Port 3/27 |94.46 % |
| | | |F-Port 3/27 |90.27 % |
| | | |F-Port 3/27 |91.51 % |
|4 |defALL_TARGET_PORTSRX_90 |02/29/24 22:14:44|F-Port 3/27 |90.04 % |
| | | |F-Port 3/27 |90.49 % |
| | | |F-Port 3/27 |90.28 % |
| | | |F-Port 3/27 |90.20 % |
、这再次清楚地表明端口已过度利用。- Brocade交换机上的portstatshow命令输出中的"Tim txcrd_z"是什么意思? portstatshow命令输出中的"tim_xcrd_z "(Time TX Credit Zero (2.5U ticks))参数 告诉我们、 由于传输BB (缓冲区到缓冲区)信用值为零、端口无法传输帧的次数。
portstatsshow 139
stat_wtx 867666061134 4-byte words transmitted
stat_wrx 26321977934672 4-byte words received
stat_ftx 3698664129 Frames transmitted
stat_frx 52747160766 Frames received
stat_c2_frx 0 Class 2 frames received
stat_c3_frx 1209135573 Class 3 frames received
stat_lc_rx 0 Link control frames received
stat_mc_rx 0 Multicast frames received
stat_mc_to 0 Multicast timeouts
stat_mc_tx 0 Multicast frames transmitted
tim_txcrd_z 40540643 Time TX Credit Zero (2.5Us ticks)