
AFF A400 E3A 或 e3b 端口无法与 BES-53248 集群交换机建立链路



  • AFF A400和BES-53248交换机端口插槽3中X1151A卡上的集群端口之间没有链路。
  • 交换机端口输出示例:

(switch)# show port 0/53-0/54
                 Admin     Physical   Physical   Link   Link    LACP   Actor
Intf      Type   Mode      Mode       Status     Status Trap    Mode   Timeout
--------- ------ --------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------- ------ --------
0/53             Enable    100G Full             Down  Enable  Enable long
0/54             Enable    100G Full             Down  Enable  Enable long

  • 节点集群端口输出示例:

dbnass5215::>network port show -ipspace Cluster
                                                  Speed(Mbps) Health
Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- --------
e3a       Cluster      -                down 9000  auto/auto  -
e3b       Cluster      -                down 9000  auto/auto  -

  • ONTAP EMS 消息:

ERROR netif.sfpNotSupported: The SFP+ or QSFP+ module (not supported ) installed in e3a is not supported with this network interface.
ERROR netif.sfpNotSupported: The SFP+ or QSFP+ module (not supported ) installed in e3b is not supported with this network interface.


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