如果SolidFire 卷复制类型为仅Snapshot、则SRM/SRA测试故障转移将失败
- NetApp SolidFire 存储复制 适配器(SRA)
- VMware SRM
- NetApp Element 软件(所有版本)
在使用VMware SRM和NetApp SolidFire SRA对设置为"仅快照"的卷复制运行故障转移测试时、您将收到以下消息。
Error - Failed to create snapshots of replica devices. Failed to create snapshot of replica device HCI-cluster:117296FE:24. SRA command 'testFailoverStart' failed for device 'HCI-cluster:117296FE:24'. No existing snapshot found SnapshotOnly replicated volumes require an existing snapshot to perform a failover or failover test
2020-08-24 11:19:42.901 INFO ReplicationService - Target volume [24] is replicating in SnapshotsOnly mode so locating the latest existing replicated snapshot on the volume
2020-08-24 11:19:42.901 ERROR ReplicationService - No existing replicated snapshot of volume [24] was found.