- NetApp SolidFire存储节点
- NetApp H系列存储节点
- 从Hybrid Cloud Control (HCC)开始完整的集群支持包收集后、多个存储节点上的虚拟卷 报告降级和脱机
- 存储错误日志会记录以下事件:
Severity: Error | ErrorCode: volumesDegraded | Details: Local replication and synchronization of the following volumes is in progress. Progress of the synchronization can be seen in the Running Tasks window. [xxxx,xxxx,xxxx]
Severity: Error | ErrorCode: volumesOffline | Details: The following volumes are offline. [xxxx,xxxx,xxxx]
Severity: Warning | ErrorCode: unresponsiveService | Details: A metadata service is not responding.
Severity: Critical | ErrorCode:sliceServiceUnhealthy | Details: Multiple metadata services are unhealthy. Data unavailability is possible and rebuild may be blocked.
- 大约(10)分钟后、虚拟卷将自动恢复联机状态。
- 完整支持包收集已完成 、并且没有错误。