ClusterCannotSync や BlocksDegraded は、フォールスポジティブアラートを繰り返し生成します
NetApp Elementソフトウェア12.0-12.3
1分以内に解決されたCluster Active IQアラート:
clusterCannotSync - Cluster Block Data is in a degraded state, and the auto-heal process to restore full block data redundancy cannot proceed. Either too many nodes or block services are offline, or the cluster block services are too full. Add more block capacity or contact support for assistance with the offline nodes or drives
blocksDegraded - Only a single complete copy of the block data is accessible. Restore any offline nodes or block services or contact support for assistance.
- エラーが 間欠的ではない
注: 断続的とは誤検出を意味します。