中止 sfinstall 升级可能会导致误报 "Volumes Offline" 消息
- NetApp Element 软件
- Element 运行状况工具
- 混合云控制( HCC )
使用命令行运行状况工具( sfinstall )或 HCC 中断存储集群的正在进行的 Element 升级时,可能会显示以下错误消息:
Disable drum failed:Cannot disable drum, there are active standbys Error: SolidFireApiError server=[10.x.x.x] method=[DisableStandbySliceAssignments], params=[{}] - error name=[xSliceStandbysWithDataExist], message=[Cannot disable: slice x has active or failed standby], code=[500], retryable=[False]
Volumes went offline during upgrade. Refer to the volumesOffline cluster fault in the Error Log for affected Volume IDs. Contact NetApp support immediately to find the root cause and resolve this problem.
但是,如果对照集群的 Web UI 或 Active IQ 交叉引用此警报 volumesOffline
,则不会出现任何关联警报,并且集群的 I/O 不会中断。