对象存储不可用和可用之间的延迟为 18 分钟
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从对象存储 不可用 到恢复 可用, ONTAP EMS 日志将显示接近 18 分钟的延迟
Sat Apr 10 09:27:07 +0200 [mc-netapp-a01: OscLowPriThreadPool: object.store.unavailable:EMERGENCY]: Unable to connect to the object store "fp-mc-netapp-a-primary" from node 727010ba-db24-11ea-b4cf-d039ea1ef264. Reason: Connection unavailable.
Sat Apr 10 09:44:55 +0200 [mc-netapp-a01: OscLowPriThreadPool: object.store.available:notice]: Able to connect to the object store "fp-mc-netapp-a-primary" from node 727010ba-db24-11ea-b4cf-d039ea1ef264.
Tue Apr 13 20:12:24 +0200 [mc-netapp-a01: OscHighPriThreadPool: object.store.unavailable:EMERGENCY]: Unable to connect to the object store "fp-mc-netapp-a-primary" from node 727010ba-db24-11ea-b4cf-d039ea1ef264. Reason: Connection unavailable.
Tue Apr 13 20:30:10 +0200 [mc-netapp-a01: OscLowPriThreadPool: object.store.available:notice]: Able to connect to the object store "fp-mc-netapp-a-primary" from node 727010ba-db24-11ea-b4cf-d039ea1ef264.
如果 S3 操作发生 1000 次故障或 2 分钟未响应,则对象存储将不可用,以先到者为准。
在后一种情况下,对象存储不可用的总时间为 20 分钟(第一条不可用消息为 2 分钟,可用消息为 18 分钟)
通常的行为是,在不可用后进行了机头调用,除非存在更严重的问题描述,否则该调用将成功,并且对象存储将再次标记为可用 1-2 秒。