StorageGRID SANtricity升级停滞、无法在SAM-隧道 中登录SANtricity
- 在的主管理节点上
i、[2023-11-02T12:52:16.804969 #20610] info -- gdu-server:正在执行命令`ssh -p 8022 localhost ' --upgrade --santicityos /var/local/dKr/0/EOS-upgrade /RCB_11.70.5P1_280x_64b99fa2.localhost 2>&1'`<nodename>
i、[2023-11-02T12:52:17.897106 #20610] info -- gdu-server:anninguinding any Staged SANtricity OS.
i、[2023-11-02T12:52:17.897122 #20610] info -- gdu-server:使<nodename>
I上任何暂存的SANtricity操作系统失效、[2023-11-02T12:52:18.066857 #20610] info -- gdu-server: error --使暂存固件失效失败,原因是AUTH失败。此版本的SANtricity OS不支持通过UTM升级。
i、[2023-11-02T12:52:18.066926 #20610] info -- gdu-server: failed。由于使用软件问题描述、存储控制器操作系统不支持SANtricity操作系统升级。请联系技术支持。
e、[2023-11-02T12:52:18.135419 #20610] error -- gdu-server:SANtricity OS staging failed with:SANtricity OS precheck suceled.
错误--由于AUIT失败,使暂存固件失效失败。此版本的SANtricity OS不支持通过UTM升级。
e、[2023-11-02T12:52:18.135527 #20610] error -- gdu-server:SANtricity OS staging failed with:failed。由于使用软件问题描述、存储控制器操作系统不支持SANtricity操作系统升级。请联系技术支持。(Bycast::Tasks::GduServer::SoftwareUpdate::InstallError)
- 当尝试通过SAM-隧道(节点> SANtricity系统管理器)访问SANtricity时,它会报告:
The server has logged you out.
Data could not be loaded from the storage array. One possible cause is the object on which you were performign the operation no longer exists. Other possible causes include network issues, inability to communicate with the controller, or loss of power to the storage array. Check these causes and retry the operation. Please re-enter your password and try again