
在一个或多个主机上未发现 SQL 数据库

Last Updated:


  • SnapCenter 服务器( SC ) 4.4
  • 数据库发现


  • 未发现一个或多个主机上的 SQL 数据库
  • 已成功找到磁盘
  • 在 SC 图形用户界面中未显示任何错误,但请参见以下内容 条目 <installation_path>\NetApp\SnapCenter\App_Data\log\SnapManagerWeb_<id>.log

    DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_1301160 PID=[2996] TID=[1] PluginCode: SMSQL
    DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_1301160 PID=[2996] TID=[1] ShouldDeletesmObject enter for nsmObject: <SQL_Instance\database>
    DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_1301160 PID=[2996] TID=[1] isObject Deleted: True BackupExists: False
    DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_1301160 PID=[2996] TID=[1] Perform RemoveSQLResource
    DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_1301160 PID=[2996] TID=[1] Found the SQL Database (<SQL_Instance\database>) registered with host (<hostname>).
    DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_1301160 PID=[2996] TID=[1] Perform RemoveSmObjectFromDiscovery
    DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_1301160 PID=[2996] TID=[1] Perform RemoveSmObjectFromCredentialMapping
    DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_1301160 PID=[2996] TID=[1] Perform Object (SQL_Instance\database) cleanup
    ERROR SnapManagerWeb_1301160 PID=[2996] TID=[1] Failed to remove the resource with id (object_id). Error: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`nsm`.`nsm_backupvolumesharing`, CONSTRAINT `FK_nsm_BackupVolumeSharing_nsm_sm_object` FOREIGN KEY (`nsm_sm_object_id`) REFERENCES `nsm_sm_object` (`nsm_sm_object_id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON U)


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